Bamdev Gautam to join Nepal-led CPN UML (Socialist)

CPN UML Vice-chairperson Bamdev Gautam has said he is going to join the CPN UML (Socialist) led by Madhav Kumar Nepal.

सम्बन्धित सामग्री

KP Oli reaches Bamdev's residence to ask vote for Subash Nemwang in Presidency

KATHMANDU, March 1: CPN UML Chairman KP Sharma Oli has reached Bhaisepati to meet with the left-wing leader Bamdev Gautam. After the division of CPN, Gautam formed a party called Ekata Rashtriya Abhiyan and has been conducting separate activities. Chairman Oli went to meet Gauta

Bamdev Gautam comes with new political party

Former CPN (UML) leader Bamdev Gautam has announced a new political party named ‘Nepal Communist Party Ekata Rashtriya Abhiyan’.

UML leader Bamdev Gautam announces new party

A 75-member central committee of the Communist Party of Nepal has been announced.

UML rejects resignation of vice-chair Gautam!

KATHMANDU, September 24: The main opposition party, CPN-UML has rejected the resignation of vice-chairman Bamdev Gautam from his post and all other responsibilities. Gautam had submitted his resignation letter at the central office of the party stating that he had resigned from the post of the vice-chairman and all other responsibilities on September 3. Gautam’s resignation has been rejected, Sher Bahadur Tamang, UML secretary at the central office told Ratopati. “The party has already sent updated name lists of members of our party including Gautam to the Election Commission,” said Tamang.

CPN-UML Vice-Chairperson Gautam resigns

CPN-UML Vice-Chairperson Bamdev Gautam has resigned from all responsibilities in the party.

Bamdev Gautam has not joined CPN (Unified Socialist): Secretariat

KATHMANDU, August 22: Vice Chairman of the main opposition CPN-UML, Bam Dev Gautam has maintained that he has not joined CPN (Unified Socialist) -- the newly registered party.  CPN (Unified Socialist) is a new party led by UML’s erstwhile senior leader and former Prime Minister Madhav Kumar Nepal.  Expressing its serious concerns over the rumors that Gautam ‘joined the new party and is preparing to be sworn in as the minister’, his secretariat said such news spread through various media outlets lacked facts.

UML Standing Committee endorses party statute amendment proposal

KATHMANDU, Aug 9: A Standing Committee meeting of the CPN-UML endorsed the party statute amendment proposal on Monday. Vice Chairperson Bamdev Gautam shared that the SC meeting decided to forward the proposal to the Central Committee meeting.  Earlier, a SC meeting also decided to organize the Statute Convention on September 12 and 13.  Sher Bahadur Tamang, secretary at party office, said that CC meeting scheduled for Monday afternoon would discuss the political report by Chairman KP Sharma Oli and organizational proposal tabled by  General Secretary Ishwor Pokharel.  UML is holding its CC meeting at the Tulsilal Memorial Academy later on Monday.

Three UML leaders were against republican system: Bamdev Gautam

KATHMANDU, May 29: Vice Chairman of the ruling CPN-UML, Bamdev Gautam has said that he was the first person in his party to formally propose for the introduction of republican system by overthrowing the monarchy.  According to Gautam, three leaders of the party stood against the proposal. He, however, did not disclose their names.  On the occasion of 14th Republic Day on Saturday, he mentioned the names of three leaders including then Nepali Congress President Girija Prasad Koirala, UML General Secretary Madhav Kumar Nepal and Maoist Chairman Pushpa Kamal Dahal ‘Prachanda’ and themed them as the three heroes of republicanism.  He also paid a tribute to all the martyrs and called upon the Nepali people to move forward firmly to materialize the dream of the martyrs. Nepal is observing the 14th Republic Day on Saturday to commemorate the day of May 28, 2008 when the country was formally declared a republic nation through the Constituent Assembly (CA).

Bamdev Gautam: Will back Nepal-Khanal but not Oli if UML splits

The ruling CPN-UML vice-chairman Bamdev Gautam on Monday says he will support the party's senior leaders Madhav Kumar Nepal and Jhala Nath Khanal if the party officially splits.