CPN-US leader Rajendra Pandey appointed Bagmati CM

CPN-US leader Rajendra Pandey appointed Bagmati CM

सम्बन्धित सामग्री

These are two National Assembly candidates of CPN (US)

KATHMANDU: As anticipation builds for the National Assembly (NA) election, the CPN (Unified Socialist) has unveiled its selected candidates for the two seats allocated by the ruling alliance. The alliance, acknowledging the significance of the impending elections with 19 seats becoming vacant in March, designated two positions to the CPN (US). Hailing from the Dalit cluster in Bagmati Province, Ghanshyam Rijal Biswakarma emerges as the party's nominee for one of the seats. In Karnali Province, Sabitri Malla from Dailekh has been chosen to represent the party, particularly from the Female cluster, according to Vice-Chairman Rajendra Pandey.  The party's decision-making...

These are two National Assembly candidates of CPN (US)

KATHMANDU: As anticipation builds for the National Assembly (NA) election, the CPN (Unified Socialist) has unveiled its selected candidates for the two seats allocated by the ruling alliance. The alliance, acknowledging the significance of the impending elections with 19 seats becoming vacant in March, designated two positions to the CPN (US). Hailing from the Dalit cluster in Bagmati Province, Ghanshyam Rijal Biswakarma emerges as the party's nominee for one of the seats. In Karnali Province, Sabitri Malla from Dailekh has been chosen to represent the party, particularly from the Female cluster, according to Vice-Chairman Rajendra Pandey.  The party's decision-making...

CPN (US) calls Secretariat meeting

KATHMANDU, Sep 3: CPN (Unified Socialist) has called a secretariat meeting for Monday. The Vice Chairman of the party Rajendra Pandey informed that the meeting has been called to discuss the implementation of the decisions made by the Central Committee meeting. However, the time

Secretariat meeting of Unified Socialist to be held

KATHMANDU, July 15: The secretariat meeting of CPN (Unified Socialist) is taking place today as well.  Party Spokesperson Jagannath Khatiwada said that the secretariat meeting will be held at Pushpalal Memorial Foundation. The secretar

Four years of federalism: 14 chief ministers, 124 ministers

KATHMANDU: Nepal has been practicing three-tier governments exclusively since 2017 following the implementation of the Constitution of Nepal-2015 through the local level, provincial and federal level elections held in 2017.  There are as many as 753 local governments, seven provincial governments and a federal government as per the constitution.  These governments are expected to exercise their powers as mentioned in the constitution. However, a number of questions have been raised time and again over their structure and performances.  The provincial governments have been blamed for frequently reshuffling ministers, even the chief ministers, promoting corruption and imposing economic burdens.  Amid these allegations, Ratopati has attempted to analyze the data regarding the change in provincial governments, number of chief ministers and ministers in the past four years.  As the data shows, the seven provinces have so far witnessed 14 chief ministers and a total of 124 ministers since February 11, 2018 the date when CPN-UML’s Dormani Poudel was appointed chief minister of Bagmati Province.  In an attempt to maintain power-sharing and safeguard the governments, the new chief ministers have been engaged in splitting ministers and adding more economic burden.  Let’s take an example of Gandaki Province where the first Chief Minister Prithvi Subba Gurung had an eight-member Cabinet while his successor expanded it to 12-member.  Lumbini’s former CM Shankar Pokharel’s 12-member Cabinet was expanded to 16-member strong by new CM Kul Prasad KC.  With the change in the federal government, the number of provincial chiefs has been recorded at 24. Province 1 got three province chiefs and Province 2 four. Similarly, Bagmati has so far got three governors while Gandaki and Lumbini witnessed four chief ministers each. Likewise, three governors have so far been changed in Karnali and four in Sudur Paschim provinces.  Province 1: Three CMs, 16 ministers  Province 1 has witnessed four chief ministers and 16 ministers in the past four years.  UML’s Sherdhan Rai was the first to lead the province, followed by Bhim Acharya of the same party. Rai resigned in August 2021 ending his 3.5-year tenure, giving a way out for his fellow party leader Acharya to succeed him. Acharya, however, stepped down as the chief minister ahead of voting on his confidence motion. CPN (Unified Socialist)’s the parliamentary party leader in the province, Rajendra Rai succeeded him.  The Sherdhan Rai Cabinet used to have eight ministers. Acharya could not induct more than eight Cabinet members.  New CM Rai introduced five ministers in his Cabinet including one minister of state. Rai is reportedly preparing to add ten ministers soon.  Dr Govinda Bahadur, who was appointed governor of Province 1 in 2017, was succeeded by Somnath Adhikari and Parshuram Khapung.  Province 2: 1 CM, 9 ministers Though Province 2 has had the same chief minister since the very beginning, CM Lalbabu Raut has expanded the size of Cabinet from seven to nine to include Nepali Congress (NC) and CPN (Maoist Center) in the government. He is also preparing to induct two ministers from CPN (US).  Social Development and Physical Infrastructure Development ministers were split to create the Women, Children and Sports Ministry and Drinking Water and Energy Development Ministry.  Similarly, another new ministry --- Commerce, Supply and Science has also been formed, splitting the Economic Affairs and Planning Ministry.  Earlier CM Raut, in an attempt to remain in power, sacked three ministers including two ministers of state --- Jitendra Sonal, Dimple Jha and Abhiram Sharma---  close to the Janata Samajbadi Party (JSP) Chairman Mahantha Thakur.  The province has so far got four province chiefs including Ratneshwar Lal Kayastha, Tilak Pariyar, Rajesh Ahiraj and Hari Shankar Mishra.  Bagmati: Three CMs, 24 ministers  Bagmati, too, has seen changes in the provincial government. Dormani Poudel, the first chief minister of the province, was succeeded by his party’s Ashta Laxmi Shakya. Shakya, who recorded her name as the first women CM, resigned after she was sure to lose a confidence motion. CPN (US) leader Rajendra Pandey was sworn in as the chief minister of the province, who recently won a trust motion as well.  The province has so far got 24 ministers during various Cabinet reshuffles and changes in governments. Ten ministers were introduced in the Poudel-led Cabinet, 11 in the Shakya government and three in the Pandey government. CM Pandey is preparing to expand his Cabinet.  As many as three governors have served Bagamti Province including Anuradha Koirala [appointed by the Deuba-led Cabinet in 2017], Bishnu Prasai [by Oli government] and Yadav Chandra Sharma [by incumbent Deuba government].  Gandaki: Two CMs, 19 ministers  Gandaki Province has so far got UML’s Prithvi Subba Gurung and Krishna Chandra Nepali Pokharel as its chief ministers. Gurung, who almost remained in power for around three and a half years, appointed eight ministers in the province. But, the current CM Nepali has a Cabinet that comprises 12 ministers. Of them, only Rajeev Gurung, who was appointed the Minister for Youths and Sports in the previous government-led by Gurung, is currently having his second inning. Later, after the Nepali Congress appointed Pokharel as the CM of the Province, he inducted five ministers from the NC, four from the CPN (Maoist Center), one from JSP while Rajeev Gurung was appointed as an independent candidate. Likewise, on January 17, 2018, the then Prime Minister Sher Bahadur Deuba had appointed Babu Ram Kuwar as the chief of Gandaki Province, who was later dismissed by the KP Sharma Oli-led government and appointed Amik Sherchan in the post. Earlier in May, Sita Kumari Poudel was appointed the chief of the province. Currently, Prithvi Man Gurung has been appointed as the chief of Gandaki Province following the formation of a coalition government led by the Nepali Congress. Lumbini Province: Two CMs, 28 ministers UML parliamentary party leader in Lumbini Province was appointed the first chief minister of the province after 2017 elections. During his tenure, he had inducted a total of 12 ministers.  Maoist’s Kul Prasad KC succeeded Pokharel. He is currently leading the 16-member jumbo Cabinet.  With this, the province has so far got 28 ministers.  The Deuba-led government in 2017 named Umakant Jha as the province chief who was later replaced by Dharma Nath Yadav during PM Oli’s tenure. Yadav, however, was dismissed and was succeeded by Amik Sherchan in August, earlier this year.  Karnali Province: 2 CMs, 12 ministers  Karnali, too, witnessed the change in chief minister. Maoist leader Mahendra Bahadur, who took the helm of the Karnali government for more than three and a half years, resigned earlier in October as per the power sharing agreement between the ruling alliance. NC’s Jeevan Bahadur Shahi has taken over the command of the province.  As many as 12 ministers were appointed during former CM Shahi’s tenure. Nanda Singh Budha was the one to be appointed as the minister twice.  Similarly, the province has so far got three province chiefs including Durga Keshar Khanal, Govinda Prasad Kalauni and Tilak Pariyar.  Sudur Paschim : 1 CM, 16 ministers  Sudur Paschim is one of the two provinces which has not yet witnessed government change. Trilochan Bhatta, Maoist Center PP leader, has been taking charge of the provincial government since 2018. His 11-member cabinet includes two repeated ministers and five new ministers during the reshuffles.  The federal government has so far sent four governors to the province including Mohan Raj Malla, the first in the province. Malla was replaced by Sharmila Pathak who was later succeeded by Ganga Prasad Yadav. Yadav, too, was replaced by Dev Raj Joshi recently.

Will Bagmati get new govt?

KATHMANDU: Opposition parties including the Nepali Congress (NC), CPN (Maoist Center) and CPN (Unified Socialist) in Bagmati Province are busy doing homework to topple the Astha Laxmi Shakya government in just less than two weeks she took the helm of the provincial government.  The leaders of the ruling alliance said they are yet to finalize the roadmap for the new government after the split in the ruling CPN-UML finalizes formally.  The ruling UML is most likely to split and lose the majority in the Bagmati Province Assembly after UML’s erstwhile senior leader Madhav Kumar Nepal formed a new party named CPN (US).  The opposition alliance is yet to decide who will lead the new government. However, CPN (US) leader Rajendra Pandey is much likely to replace Chief Minister Shakya.  Former CM Dormani Poudel, in an apparent bid to prevent the party-split, stepped down as the UML parliamentary party leader and chief minister on August 18. He also proposed Shakya as the PP leader and got her elected unanimously.  Shakya, who was said to be close to UML's then senior leader Madhav Nepal, was proposed as the chief minister of the province and Province Chief Bishnu Prasai appointed her as the executive head of the province as per Article 168 of the Constitution of Nepal on the same day.  She is the first female chief minister as well. She inducted two ministers to her Cabinet. However, one of the ministers --- Social Development Minister Krishna Prasad Khanal---  announced his affiliation to the CPN (US). Rajendra Pandey had already opened up as the active leader of the new party. With this, CM Shakya apparently lost the majority in the 109-strong provincial assembly.  To avoid the crisis for a time being, she recommended the governor of the province for prorogation of the ongoing session of Bagmati Province Assembly. However, the crisis is still prevailing.  Mathematics in Bagmati Province Assembly Of the 109 members of the provincial assembly, the ruling UML has 56 members including speaker.  Support of 55 members is enough to form the government.  Though two members have so far joined CPN (US), leader Pandey said that other members will also soon join the new party as the Election Commission (EC) has extended a deadline until September 7 to join the new party.  Pandey claimed that most of the 23 members who supported Madhav Nepal in the early days will join the CPN (US).  Click here to read the news in detail.

Opposition parties preparing for special session to oust Bagmati CM Shakya

KATHMANDU, Aug 28: Opposition parties are preparing to demand that the province chief summon the special session of the Bagmati Province Assembly at a time CPN-UML’s Ashta Laxmi Shakya has recently been sworn in as the chief minister of the province.  Whip of Nepali Congress (NC) in the province, Tsering Dorje Lama said that CM Shakya attempted to avoid the House meeting by recommending the prorogation of the ongoing session.  As per Article 183 (3) of the constitution, If, during the prorogation or recess of the session of the provincial assembly, one-fourth of the total number of its members make a petition that it is expedient to convene a session or meeting, the chief of the province shall specify the date and time for such session or meeting. Following the recommendation by CM Shakya, Province Chief Yadav Chandra prorogued the ongoing session effective from Friday midnight as she lost a majority in the provincial assembly just a week after she took the helm of the chief ministership in the province.  Amid the escalating dispute in the UML, the then Chief Minister resigned as the parliamentary party leader and chief minister to pave the way for Shakya to lead the province on August 18. Shakya was sworn in as the chief minister on the same day. She also inducted two ministers into her Cabinet.  As per the constitutional provision, CM Shakya is required to take the confidence motion within 30 days of her appointment.  However, it seems quite difficult for her to win the House’s confidence as One of the two ministers seems to have been supporting the CPN (Unified Socialist) led by the former senior leader of the UML, Madhav Kumar Nepal. Another lawmaker, Rajendra Pandey has also joined the CPN (US). Pandey claimed that he has the support of 12 lawmakers, meaning the Shakya government can be toppled at any moment.  Shakya, who remained in the rival faction led by leader Nepal for a long time after the then Prime Minister and UML Chairman KP Sharma Oli dissolved the House of Representatives (HoR) on December 20, last year, joined the Oli faction at a time when Nepal was preparing to register his new party. Consequently, she was appointed the chief minister of Bagmati Province.