Some cancer patients can skip treatments, 2 studies show

After surgery, some cancer patients can safely skip radiation or chemotherapy, according to two studies exploring shorter, gentler cancer care

सम्बन्धित सामग्री

Urine test can detect bladder cancer years before diagnosis

According to a recent study, testing for genetic alterations in urine can detect bladder cancer years before clinical signs appear.

Urine test can detect bladder cancer years before diagnosis

According to a recent study, testing for genetic alterations in urine can detect bladder cancer years before clinical signs appear.

Urine test can detect bladder cancer years before diagnosis

According to a recent study, testing for genetic alterations in urine can detect bladder cancer years before clinical signs appear.

Connection between ovulation & ovarian cancer

It is possible that inhibiting ovulation can reduce the risk of ovarian cancer among women who ovulate more frequently throughout the course of their lifetimes.

Oral sex can cause throat cancer?

A bizarre yet groundbreaking development has now been found in the research for throat cancer

Oral sex can cause throat cancer?

A bizarre yet groundbreaking development has now been found in the research for throat cancer

Research: Gut microbiome can alter cancer therapy response

Sequencing technology has recently shown that the gut microbiome can also play a role in the treatment of cancer

Breast cancer imaging accuracy improved by AI tool

The findings of a new study show that a computer program trained to see patterns among thousands of breast ultrasound images can aid physicians in accurately diagnosing breast cancer.