Empowering Youth Voices ahead of ICPD+30

In commemoration of International Youth Day 2023, UNFPA organized a critical youth-led consultation with over 75 young people in Kathmandu

सम्बन्धित सामग्री

Youth Association demonstrates in Tinkune

KATHMANDU, Nov 23: The Youth Association close to CPN UML has demonstrated against the government in Tinkune, Kathmandu. In the demonstration, leaders and cadres of the Youth Association along with the party flag, are protesting with placards with slogans against corruption, cri

'Youth Short Film Competition' concludes

'Youth Short Film Competition' organised by the Oscar Film College has been concluded.

'Youth Short Film Competition' concludes

'Youth Short Film Competition' organised by the Oscar Film College has been concluded.

Kathmandu Youth Conclave 2080 completed

Kathmandu Youth Conclave (KYC) 2080 has been completed in the organized by Universal College and Phoenix College.

Tomorrow Kathmandu Youth Conclave

'Kathmandu Youth Conclave' is going to be organized in Kathmandu on Saturday with the aim of conveying a positive message

Tomorrow Kathmandu Youth Conclave

'Kathmandu Youth Conclave' is going to be organized in Kathmandu on Saturday with the aim of conveying a positive message

UAE Youth Climate Delegates unite to make COP28 most youthful

The United Arab Emirates' Youth Climate Delegates have concluded their first official meeting at Dubai Youth Hub.

UAE Youth Climate Delegates unite to make COP28 most youthful

The United Arab Emirates' Youth Climate Delegates have concluded their first official meeting at Dubai Youth Hub.

Namche Youth Club and Amadalam Youth Club won

Namche Youth Club defeated Veterans United by 3-1 in the match held on Wednesday at the Sanagoucharan Sports Ground in Kathmandu.

Youth awards in memory of Narayangopal and Arani

The National Youth Fund has given Narayangopal Youth Music Award to musician Hari Lamsal and singer Rajina Rimal.