Actress Namrata Shrestha desires to climb mountains

Famous actress Namrata Shrestha expressed her desire to climb mountains that are 8 thousand meters high.

सम्बन्धित सामग्री

Beauty in acting, Namrata Shrestha (photo feature)

Namrata Shrestha, who made her acting debut in the 2008 film Sano Sansar, is known for her beauty and modesty. With the launch of digital film in Nepal, she appeared on the screen. Namrata is known for enlivening her role. His performances in films like Chhadke, Maun, Classic, Prasad etc. were highly praised. She was […]

सिक्किममा नम्रता (फोटो फिचर)

नेपाली फिल्मकी अभिनेत्री नम्रता श्रेष्ठले सिक्किम आफ्नो लागि खास रहेको बताएकी छिन् । गत आइतबार आफ्नो नेक्स्ट प्रोजेक्ट ‘ग्रहण’ को घोषणा इभेन्टका लागि सिक्किमको गान्तोक पुगेकी नम्रताले सिक्किमलाई दोस्रो घरको रुपमा बुझ्न आग्रह गरिन् । ‘मैंले मेरो प्रोडक्सनको सुरुवात नै यहींबाट गरेकी हुँ । त्यसैले पनि मेरो लागि यो सिक्किम खास छ’ उनले भनिन्। फिल्म […]

Nepal enters Top 40 of Miss World

Miss Nepal World 2020 Namrata Shrestha has entered the ‘Top 40’ of Miss World 2021

Miss Nepal in top 10 for Beauty with Purpose round

Miss Nepal 2020, 'Namrata Shrestha' has managed to reach the top 10 in the 'Beauty with a Purpose' round in ongoing Miss World, 2021 in Puerto Rico.

Miss Nepal 2020, Namrata Shrestha to leave for US today

Miss Nepal 2020 'Namrata Shrestha' will leave for the United States today.

Miss Nepal World Namrata Shrestha to fly US tomorrow

Miss Nepal World Namrata Shrestha will fly to the United States tomorrow.

Miss Nepal World Namrata Shrestha to fly US tomorrow

Miss Nepal World Namrata Shrestha will fly to the United States tomorrow.

Miss Nepal Namrata flying to San Juan tomorrow

Miss Nepal 2020 Namrata Shrestha is scheduled to leave Nepal for San Juan, Peurto Rico, on Saturday (November 20), to participate in Miss World 2021. The Miss World is going to be held in San Juan, Peurto Rico on December 16.

Namrata Shrestha wins Miss Nepal 2020

KATHMANDU, Dec 5: Namrata Shrestha was crowned Miss Nepal World 2020 at the 25th edition of the Hidden Treasure Miss Nepal pageant held on Saturday.