Study: “Cloud Computing Providers’ Anti-Competitive Practices Should Be Curbed by EU Tech Rules”

According to a report released on Tuesday, draft EU laws aimed at limiting the influence of Amazon, Apple, Alphabet subsidiary Google, and Facebook could also target cloud computing service providers for alleged anti-competitive conduct. The claim comes amid fears that certain EU parliamentarians considering EU antitrust head Margrethe Vestager's proposed Digital Markets Act (DMA) may be lenient toward cloud computing corporations. According to market research firm Statista, Amazon's Amazon Web Services was the biggest supplier in the second quarter, followed by Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud. IBM Cloud, Alibaba Cloud, Salesforce, and Oracle are among the others. In his personal role, Frederic Jenny, head of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development's Competition Committee, compiled the report for the trade group Cloud Infrastructure Services Providers in Europe (CISPE). According to the survey, the new EU standards should also encompass software...