Rights of Afghan women 'under attack', says UN

The United Nations Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) has raised concerns over the situation of women and girls in Afghanistan, stating that "Afghan women are deprived of basic rights."

सम्बन्धित सामग्री

Women protesters in Afghan detail Taliban abuse

Human Rights Watch (HRW) released a new report detailing the mistreatment of Afghan women.

Afghan women face social, economic deprivation under Taliban rule

Amid the ongoing crisis in Afghanistan, the situation of Afghan women continues to deteriorate as they are denied their fundamental freedoms

Afghan women need global action to halt Taliban abuse

Afghan women feel abandoned by the world and they are justified in feeling this way

Afghan women need global action to halt Taliban abuse

Afghan women feel abandoned by the world and they are justified in feeling this way

Global outrage over fate of missing Afghan women activists: UN

The top UN envoy in Afghanistan, Deborah Lyons met top Taliban leadership on Wednesday and expressed concern over the missing Afghan women activists.

Global outrage over fate of missing Afghan women activists: UN

The top UN envoy in Afghanistan, Deborah Lyons met top Taliban leadership on Wednesday and expressed concern over the missing Afghan women activists.

Afghan women in Kabul rise against Taliban

Afghan women in Kabul took to the streets on Tuesday against a slew of restrictions including those enforcing wearing of hijab in public by the Taliban.

Afghan women in Kabul rise against Taliban

Afghan women in Kabul took to the streets on Tuesday against a slew of restrictions including those enforcing wearing of hijab in public by the Taliban.

Taliban religious police orders women to 'cover-up'

The Taliban's Ministry for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice on Friday issued posters around the capital Kabul ordering Afghan women to cover up.

European group nominates 11 Afghan women for human rights award

The Socialists and Democrats Group on Monday nominated eleven Afghan women for the 2021 Sakharov Prize in the European Parliament.