Walking more steps a day can improve people's health

The analysis led by the University of Massachusetts Amherst discovered that taking more steps a day helps lower the risk of premature death

सम्बन्धित सामग्री

Sleep can help children behave less impulsively

Although sleep is important for a child's overall health, it can also have an impact on their behaviour.

Sleep can help children behave less impulsively

Although sleep is important for a child's overall health, it can also have an impact on their behaviour.

Sleep can reduce impulsive behavior in children

Sleep is a vital aspect of a child's general health, but it can also influence their behaviour.

Sleep can reduce impulsive behavior in children

Sleep is a vital aspect of a child's general health, but it can also influence their behaviour.

Gardening can promote better mental health

New research suggests that many people may indeed reap mental health benefits from working with plants even if they've never gardened before

Research: Skin disorders can affect mental health

Skin disorders can have a devastating impact on the physical and mental health of children and young people

Those attacking health workers, institution can face jail term up to 5 years

KATHMANDU, May 9: The government has introduced an ordinance that states that those attacking health workers and health institutions can face a jail term of upto five years.  Amending the Health Institution Security Act 2063 BS, the government has issued an ordinance that maintains that those who set fires or cause fire-related destruction to the health institutions will be imprisoned for two to five years or a fine upto Rs 200,000 to Rs 500,000 or both will be charged. Likewise, those vandalizing the health institutions or attacking health workers or causing any sort of harm to the institution will also be imprisoned for two to five years or a fine upto Rs 200,000 to Rs 500,000 or both will be charged, as per the newly amended ordinance. Similarly, those mistreating health workers or treating them will also be imprisoned for one years or charged a fine upto Rs 100,000 or both.

Suicide: A major health problem in Nepal

Improving mental health resources in Nepal can be immensely helpful for preventing suicides in the country.