Research reveals bacteria break down plastics in saltwater

Researchers have genetically modified a marine microbe to break down plastic in salt water.

सम्बन्धित सामग्री

Study: Pros and Cons of Plastic Use in Agriculture

Without plastics, modern agriculture is unimaginable. There are 12 million tonnes utilised annually.

Study: Pros and Cons of Plastic Use in Agriculture

Without plastics, modern agriculture is unimaginable. There are 12 million tonnes utilised annually.

Editorial | Saying goodbye to plastics

Recognising the pollution caused by plastics, the hotel industry has promised to ban them.

Nepal’s hotel to abolish single-use plastics

Nepali hotels from now on will stop using single-use plastics. The post Nepal’s hotel to abolish single-use plastics appeared first on OnlineKhabar English News.

HAN's "Eliminating single-use plastics" campaign

Hotel Association Nepal (HAN) organised a campaign, "Eliminating single-use plastics" from hotel rooms and promoting eco-friendly products for the hotel industry's green.

HAN's "Eliminating single-use plastics" campaign

Hotel Association Nepal (HAN) organised a campaign, "Eliminating single-use plastics" from hotel rooms and promoting eco-friendly products for the hotel industry's green.

Research discovers new bacteria that attach to deep-sea plastics

Scientists have discovered a new type of plastic-loving bacterium that can attach to plastics in the deep sea

Study finds CVD, high cholesterol linked to plastics

A new study has found that phthalate -- a chemical used to make plastics more durable -- has led to increased plasma cholesterol levels.