Bacteria linked with chemo-induced weight gain

Researchers discovered a relationship between chemotherapy-induced changes in gut bacteria and the harmful weight gain

सम्बन्धित सामग्री

Bacteria linked with chemo-induced weight gain

Researchers discovered a relationship between chemotherapy-induced changes in gut bacteria and the harmful weight gain

Weight gain with higher risk of fatal prostate cancer

Weight gain in a man's late teens and early twenties raises his chances of dying from prostate cancer later in life

Weight gain with higher risk of fatal prostate cancer

Weight gain in a man's late teens and early twenties raises his chances of dying from prostate cancer later in life

Netflix rebounds from recent subscriber losses with 3Q gain

Netflix reversed its recent subscriber losses with a summertime gain that management is hoping to build

Calorie deficit to not prevent long-term weight gain: Research

Small changes to calorie intake and physical activity levels do not prevent long-term weight gain better than monitoring alone, according to a trial done by researchers.

Calorie deficit to not prevent long-term weight gain: Research

Small changes to calorie intake and physical activity levels do not prevent long-term weight gain better than monitoring alone, according to a trial done by researchers.

Study finds middle-aged men view weight gain as inevitable

According to a new peer-reviewed study, weight gain produces feelings of despondency and low self-worth among middle-aged men, but it is also seen as an inevitable consequence of family and career responsibilities.

NEPLSE gains 69 points, crosses 2900

KATHMANDU, Jan 16: The Nepal Stock Exchange (NEPSE) witnessed a gain of 69 points on Sunday.  The index closed at 2,926.74 reporting a gain of 2.41 percent compared to last week’s closing.