Govt increases health budget by 14 billion rupees

KATHMANDU: The government has increased the budget of the Ministry of Health and Population by 14 billion rupees. Presenting the budget for the Financial Year 2023/24, Finance Minister Dr. Prakash Sharan Mahat said that 83.99 billion has been allocated to the Ministry of Health and Population. In the running fiscal year, the government had allocated […]

सम्बन्धित सामग्री

Ministry instructs agencies to prepare the health budget within previous ceiling

In the current fiscal year, 35 percent of national health budget was slashed. This hampered several healthcare programmes including maternal health, child health, family planning, and nutrition.

Ministry instructs agencies to prepare the health budget within previous ceiling

In the current fiscal year, 35 percent of national health budget was slashed. This hampered several healthcare programmes including maternal health, child health, family planning, and nutrition.

Editorial | Two steps back

With Covid cases steadily rising, this is just about the worst time to cut the country’s health budget.

Massive health budget cuts loom, all programmes to be affected

This could jeopardise progress achieved from years of investment, warn experts.

Massive health budget cuts loom, all programmes to be affected

This could jeopardise progress achieved from years of investment, warn experts.

Dangers of privatising health insurance in Nepal

his year’s health budget kept the contribution to health insurance of the previous year’s allocation of Rs7.5 billion. However, the plan to hand over the institutional management of health insurance programs to the private sector through the Ministry of Finance defeats the fundamental goal of the health security. This is not entirely surprising, of course, […]

Health budget for local levels increased

However, the total health budget has declined by about 19 billion rupees, from Rs. 122.77 billion of the current year to Rs. 103.18 billion allocated for the upcoming FY.

सुधारको पर्खाइमा स्वास्थ्य प्रणाली

विगतमा नेपालमा स्वास्थ्यकर्मीहरूले एकजुट भएर काम गरेकाले यहाँको मातृ मृत्युदर, बाल मृत्युदर र शिशु मृत्युदर केही घटेका छन् । योबाहेक यहाँको पौष्टिक आहारमा केही सुधार भई पोलियो उन्मूलन, क्षयरोग, दादुरालगायतका केही संक्रामक रोगहरूको न्यूनीकरण तथा रोकथाममा पनि केही प्रगति भएको छ । यसलाई निःसन्देह पनि स्वास्थ्य क्षेत्रमा प्राप्त उपलब्धि मान्नुपर्छ ।विगत एक वर्षदेखि कोभिड–१९ को […]

Despite increase in health budget, preparations for crisis were sorely lacking

Plans to set up enough oxygen plants, ICU beds and to procure equipment remained only on paper. Less than 4 percent of Covid-19 capital budget has been spent.