The Google Pixel 6 and Pixel 6 Pro were released last week, and according to a new study, the Google-designed Tensor SoC that powers both phones outperforms the Qualcomm Snapdragon 888, Samsung Exynos 2100, and HiSilicon Kirin 9000 chipsets in GPU benchmarks. A user on Reddit shared these benchmarks, which were done on 3DMark Wild Life, Wild Life Extreme, and Wild Life Stress. In each of the three tests, the Google Pixel 6's Tensor chipset appears to outperform the other top Android chipsets by a significant margin.
It should be emphasized that these findings do not reflect actual performance in the real world. According to Reddit user Greg (u/grt3), he acquired the Google Pixel 6 early and asked other Reddit users if they had any questions. Greg put the smartphone through 3DMark Wild Life, Wild Life Extreme, and Wild Life Stress tests after a user inquired about the GPU performance of the Google Tensor SoC.
The Google Tensor SoC is alleged to have earned 6,666 points in...