Wuhan Declaration adopted at COP14 on wetlands conservation

As the main fruit of the COP14, the declaration called for "strong will and practical actions" to promote the conservation, restoration, management, wise and sustainable use of wetlands and to prevent and mitigate the systematic risks arising from the continuing loss and degradation of wetlands worldwide.

सम्बन्धित सामग्री

World Wetlands Day: Preserving wetlands challenging

DODHARA CHANDANI: The World Wetlands Day is being marked today. The wetlands that are considered fertile land for human life, agricultural productivity and bio-diversity have not been preserved well of late. In lack of proper conservation efforts, the wetlands are on the verge of collapse. Conservationists opined that the wetlands should be protected well as […]

Kailali's wetlands disappearing

The wetland area, considered the earth’s kidney, is being eroded in Kailali due to a lack of protection and conservation efforts. Stakeholders are of the view that wetland areas are being destroyed day by day due to unmanaged use of water for income generation.

Fishing cat heading to extinction in lack of conservation

Fishing cat, a medium-sized wild cat mostly found in the wetland areas, is in the verge of extinction with the destruction of wetlands, construction of artificial fishing ponds and declining fish population.