Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Bishnu Prasad Paudel has instructed the employees of the Ministry of Finance (MoF) to work so as to meet the annual revenue target for the current Fiscal Year 2024/25.
KATHMANDU: The Tatopani Customs Office has surpassed its revenue target for the first nine months of the current fiscal year. Customs Chief Dayananda KC announced that the office collected Rs 8.56 billion in revenue, exceeding the target of Rs 5.59 billion. KC noted that trade through the Tatopani Customs Point has escalated following the reopening […]
KATHMANDU, April 15: The government has not been able to collect revenue as per the target due to slowdown in economic activities, poor capital expenditure, revenue leakage, decrease in foreign trade etc. The inability to achieve the revenue target has set challenges for managing government expenditure, leading to increased reliance on internal and external loans.
KATHMANDU, April 15: The government has not been able to collect revenue as per the target due to slowdown in economic activities, poor capital expenditure, revenue leakage, decrease in foreign trade etc. The inability to achieve the revenue target has set challenges for managing government expenditure, leading to increased reliance on internal and external loans.