Actress Deeya Pun, who is preparing to climb Mount Everest, the highest peak of the world, was bid farewell by the team of movie Mantra by handing over her national flag and movie poster in the capital on Tuesday.
Director, producer and other actors of Mantra bid farewell to actress Pun, the lead actress of the film. She is leaving to climb Mount Everest on Wednesday.
Actress Pun will reach atop Mt. Everest on April 6 if the weather becomes favourable. She is scheduled to return to Kathmandu by the end of May.
World-renowned climbers Nirmal Purja and Mingma Sherpa will accompany the actress. She is climbing the mountain through Elite Exped.
Actress Pun, who started mountaineering by climbing Mount Aconcagua, a 6,961-meter high mountain in Argentina, has also climbed 8,163-metre Mount Manaslu.