Women LEAD Nepal: Educating our future women leaders

Established in 2010, Women LEAD Nepal provides the skills, support, and opportunities to young women

सम्बन्धित सामग्री

UML’s National Women Gathering kicks off in Kathmandu

KATHMANDU: A two-day National Women Gathering of the CPN-UML  has commenced in Kathmandu on Wednesday. The event was inaugurated by former President Bidya Devi Bhandari. According to Bhanubhakta Dhakal, the party’s Standing Committee member and the coordinator of the UML People’s Organization Coordination Mechanism, around 5,000 representatives including women leaders from the party’s 23 affiliated […]

Preparations for UML’s National Women’s Gathering complete

KATHMANDU: Preparations for the National Women Gathering of the CPN-UML have been completed. The two-day event will commence tomorrow, May 29. According to Bhanubhakta Dhakal, the party’s Standing Committee member and the coordinator of the UML People’s Organization Coordination Mechanism, all arrangements for the event have been completed. Around 5,000 representatives including women leaders from […]

Women leaders' contribution acknowledged through exhibition

Youths from various backgrounds have highlighted the contribution of women leaders through an exhibition.

President Bhandari receives WPL Trailblazer Award 2022

KATHMANDU: President Bidya Devi Bhandari has been honored with the “Women Political Leaders Trailblazer Award” in Iceland. The award was awarded by the Women’s Political Leaders Forum (WPL). Silvana Koch-Mehrin, Founder and President of WPL, a forum of international women leaders, handed over the award to President Bhandari at a function in Reykjavík, Iceland. Meanwhile, […]

NC's women leaders demand review of limitation in law

Women office bearers and central members of the Nepali Congress have demanded a review of the existing legal provision on limitation

Women local leaders fear diminished representation

As the Election Commission (EC) has started nomination process for the representatives of local governments across the country from Sunday, women leaders have said that there are fears that presence of women at the local governments may diminish as parties are forging alliance for upcoming local elections. Article 17 of the Local Level Election Act stipulates that a political party must ensure that one of the local level head or deputy head must be a woman while registering their candidature. "However, the provision will not apply if the party fields only one candidate," adds the act. Because of the provision, women's representation as local level chiefs and deputy chiefs will decrease when alliances are formed in most parts of the country, leaders and analysts of political parties said.

Let Women Lead Local Levels

While the political leaders are engaged in infighting to acquire seats for the upcoming elections, numerous examples of Nepali women leadership at home, office, nation and the world were showcased by Nari, a woman magazine, via their one-day conference entitled Nirvik Nari, meaning fearless women, in Kathmandu the other day. Many women leaders, who have proven their leadership qualities as Deputy Mayors and Vice Chairpersons during their current terms, are at present struggling to get party tickets to contest for Mayors and Chairpersons’ seats. The general lack of networking with the more powerful male leaders, the inability to spend

ApEx Series | Ready to graduate to bigger roles

Women leaders’ experiences were varied but all of them spoke of having to battle patriarchy, with the society still reluctant to accept women leaders

Blinc Ventures’s Women Leadership Conference held successfully

KATHMANDU, Nov 26: Blinc Ventures has successfully concluded its Virtual Women Leadership Conference on November 21. The two-day program was organized with the vision of providing practical tools to promote more equitable representation of women leaders at workplace at all career levels to both professional women and companies.

Women Leadership Conference to be held

KATHMANDU, Oct 21: A two-day Women Leadership Conference (WLC) is being organized by Blinc Ventures with the vision of providing practical tools to promote more equitable representation of women leaders at all career levels. The conference is scheduled to be held on 20th and 21st November, 2021.