Keep TU Free From Politics

Tribhuvan University (TU), the country’s oldest university, has been subject to interferences from different quarters time and again. Sometimes the hurdle comes from the university staff, and occasionally it gets shut due to protests carried out by students and sister organisations of different political parties. Quiet recently, the TU administrative rooms have been padlocked for more than a month due to the protest of TU part-time teachers, the contract teachers and the students. As the Vice Chancellor, Rector and Registrar have been barricaded to execute their everyday roles and responsibilities, important daily operations, the long-term planning, implementation, and supervisions have come to a halt.

सम्बन्धित सामग्री

Students And Politics

After a hiatus of 14 years, students studying at the Tribhuvan University (TU)’s constituent campuses, including the Central Campus at Kirtipur, and other affiliated ones nationwide have

Redeem TU From Union Politics

Prime Minister, ministers and other government authorities are all consistently and repeatedly asking the students to stop padlocking the offices of the Tribhuvan University (TU) executives and administrators and refrain from carrying out disruptive activities that undermine the sanctity of the academic institutions. Prime Minister Deuba is also reported to have chided the students who went to see him in person the other day and asked them n

Save TU From Unsolicited Politics

Tribhuvan University seems to be caught up into a kind of tangle. A spectrum of strikes, halts and forced closures keep it prorogued for a considerable period of the academic years throwing its academic calendars into an abeyance. Accordingly, TU’s major administrative and academic functions have been put on hold during these months on account of the fact that the offices of the Vice Chancellor (VC), Registrar and Rector have been padlocked. VC, Rector and Registrar have been barred from carrying out their respective roles and responsibilities.