Opinion | Helping women in business

Women entrepreneurs lack technical knowledge to expand their business operations.

सम्बन्धित सामग्री

Opinion | Of women and strongmen

Hardly have women begun to creep to the top and men already think women have too much power.

Opinion | Breaking barriers for women in foreign policy

With equal opportunities, meritorious women can contribute to IR with their intellectual insights.

Opinion | Combating violence against women in politics

We should realise that a threat to women in politics is a threat to our entire democracy.

Opinion | Combating violence against women in politics

We should realise that a threat to women in politics is a threat to our entire democracy.

Opinion | Nepali women packing a punch

Nepal occupies a respectable 16th position among the 133 countries regarding the proportion of elected seats held by women.

Opinion | Plights of working women in smart cities

Smart cities threaten the livelihoods of informal women workers in India and the Global South.

Opinion | Colonialism and domestic violence against women

Colonial systems that established regulations and legal frameworks were damaging for women.

Opinion | Ending the pandemic of violence against women

To end violence against women and girls requires prevention strategies that target its root causes.

Opinion | Cultural capital in young women

The interests of young women are often belittled and seen as insignificant, impacting their outlook.