Climate warming may expose species to deadly temperatures

Climate change is likely to rapidly push species over tipping points when their geographic ranges.

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Climate Change: Lessons from latest global warming

PETM which resembles current and future warming, occurred 56 million years ago and was one of the largest and fastest global warming events.

Changes in Earth's orbit affects global warming

Changes in Earth's orbit that favored hotter conditions may have helped trigger a rapid global warming event 56 million years ago.

Climate Questions: How do we know humans triggered warming?

Call it Law and Order: Climate Change. Scientists used detective work to pinpoint the prime suspect in Earth’s warming: us.

Scientists say new climate law is likely to reduce warming

Massive incentives for clean energy in the U.S. law signed Tuesday by President Joe Biden should reduce future global warming

Don’t give in to despair on global warming

Nations must keep up hope and focus on tackling global warming despite the many obstacles now to international cooperation

Don’t give in to despair on global warming

Nations must keep up hope and focus on tackling global warming despite the many obstacles now to international cooperation

UN scientists warn of worsening global warming

Earth is getting so hot that temperatures in about a decade will probably blow past a level of warming that world leaders have sought to prevent