Plastic pollution in oceans on track to rise for decades

Plastic pollution at sea is reaching worrying levels and will continue to grow even if significant action is taken now to stop such waste from reaching the world's oceans, according to a review of hundreds of academic studies.

सम्बन्धित सामग्री

Contain Plastic Pollution

Plastic pollution is a pressing environmental and public health concern these days. The widespread utilisation of single-use plastics, including bottles, bags, and packaging, has significantly contributed to plastic pollution. Discarded plastics from diverse sectors have amassed in landfills and natural environments, intensifying pollution. Industrial activities have also played a substantial role in production, disposal,

Plastic pollution persists despite repeated prohibitions

The plastic build-up in Kathmandu Valley's riverbeds illustrates the environmental consciousness, or lack thereof, among urban residents. It is common to see people disposing their waste, often wrapped i

Plastic pollution threatens rhinos

Plastic pollution has emerged as a significant threat to wildlife in Nepal, including in protected areas. Recent research has uncovered a troubling issue -- plastic particles are making their way into the dung of greater one-horned rhinos. These plastic fragments found in the rhino droppings signal potential health risks for these majestic creatures.

Plastic pollution in the oceans is an equity issue

Many people are aware of plastic pollution in the oceans. Photos of turtles or seabirds entangled in plastic garbage first went viral in the 1990s, and the Great Pacific Garbage Patch is now the focus of highly publicized cleanup efforts.

The Bleak Legal Regime Addressing Plastic Pollution

Plastic pollution has touched every aspect of life on earth and has become a problem of the century along with climate change and biodiversity loss. Despite a large number of researches showing the impacts of plastic on marine life and also the amount of plastic humans consume due to contamination of food, the production and use/consumption of plastic largely remains unregulated.