3,700 MT of LP gas arrives in Sri Lanka

Amid the ongoing protest against the economic crisis, a ship containing 3,700 metric tonnes of LP gas has arrived in Sri Lanka.

सम्बन्धित सामग्री

Sri Lanka Faces Economic Strain

A multifaceted interplay of economic troubles, strategic dynamics, and regional influence is currently unfolding in Sri Lanka.

Sri Lanka Faces Economic Strain

A multifaceted interplay of economic troubles, strategic dynamics, and regional influence is currently unfolding in Sri Lanka.

Foreign Affairs Minister leaving for Sri Lanka on Thursday

Dr. Bimala Rai Paudyal is leaving for Sri Lanka on Thursday to participate in the 75th Independence Day program of Sri Lanka.

Sri Lanka trails Australia by 102 runs

The second test between Sri Lanka and Australia was evenly poised at lunch Sunday on the third day with Sri Lanka reaching 262 for three in reply to Australia’s first-innings total of 364

Sri Lanka trails Australia by 102 runs

The second test between Sri Lanka and Australia was evenly poised at lunch Sunday on the third day with Sri Lanka reaching 262 for three in reply to Australia’s first-innings total of 364

Sri Lanka blocks social media

Sri Lanka has blocked access to many social media platforms in an attempt to prevent further protests blaming the government.