Russia's Sputnik V effectiveness against Omicron 75 percent: Vaccine developer

Moscow [Russia], January 19: The effectiveness of the Sputnik V COVID-19 vaccine against the Omicron coronavirus variant is 75 percent, Alexander Gintsburg, the head of Russia's Gamaleya Research Center, said on Tuesday. "In the population, the effectiveness of the Sputnik V vaccine in relation to Omicron ... is 75 percent," Gintsburg said in the Rossiya Segodnya press center. The Gamaleya head added that protection against Omicron increases to 100 percent if a person receives a Sputnik Light booster dose in six months but decreases to 56-57 percent if revaccination is not done. The Sputnik V effectiveness against Omicron decreases by eight times but it is still enough for protection, Gintsburg said, adding that the effectiveness of other vaccines decreases by 21 times.