UK warns on cryptocurrency ads after Kardashian post

LONDON, Sept. 7 : Cryptocurrency advertisements, particularly from social media influencers, should face regulation according to the head of Britain's financial watchdog, who highlighted a recent ad posted by Kim Kardashian. Virtual currencies and tokens have attracted interest from amateur investors lured by stellar gains but who also risk big losses and being scammed. "As we live more and more of our lives online, we can't allow online business to operate in ways we wouldn't tolerate with any other business," Charles Randell, head of Britain's Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), said on Monday. "That includes rules which protect people from investment fraud and scams." Kardashian had advertised virtual token Ethereum Max in June in a story feed on her Instagram account, which has more than 200 million followers. Randell stressed that Ethereum Max was not connected to Ethereum, which is the world's second most popular cryptocurrency after bitcoin. "When she was recently paid to ask her 250 million Instagram followers to speculate on crypto tokens by 'joining the Ethereum Max Community', it may have been the financial promotion with the single biggest audience reach in history," Randell said. He noted that the post was flagged as an advertisement in line with Instagram's rules. "But she didn't have to disclose that Ethereum Max -- not to be confused with Ethereum -- was a speculative digital token created a month before by unknown developers." Randell stressed that he did not know whether Ethereum Max was a scam. However, he added that: "Social media influencers are routinely paid by scammers to help them pump and dump new tokens on the back of pure speculation." The FCA has repeatedly warned against the risk of crytocurrencies, arguing that investors can potentially lose all their money because the assets are not backed by the UK government's financial services compensation sche.RSS  

सम्बन्धित सामग्री

Facebook retreats from crypto ad ban!!!

The rules and restrictions for running crypto ads on Facebook have been amended by Meta, previously Facebook, giving businesses and financial institutions greater leeway in marketing their digital asset goods. Because the "cryptocurrency market has continued to mature and stabilise in recent years, and has seen more government legislation that are defining clearer norms for their business," the social media behemoth said it was expanding. The number of regulatory licenses accepted by Meta has increased from three to twenty-seven, which is good news for the cryptocurrency business. Previously, marketers could apply to run advertising and add details such as any licenses they had, if they were traded on a public stock exchange, and other relevant public information about their company. "In the future, we'll stop utilizing a variety of signals to validate eligibility and instead require one of these 27 licenses," Facebook writes in a blog post announcing the...