Provision of two-year labour permit for foreign employment removed

he government has removed the provision of two-year in issuing labour permit for foreign employment. The

सम्बन्धित सामग्री

Nepal receives nearly Rs 1200 billion remittance in 10 months

The government has recorded some Rs 1200 billion in remittance in the last 10 months of the current fiscal year.  The remittance inflow increased by 19.02 percent as compared to the same period of the last fiscal year. The Nepal Rastra Bank released data on Monday which showed the country got Rs 1198 billion remittance till the end of Baisakh month. It was increased by 23.4 percent in the same period of the last fiscal year. The review period witnessed the number of labour permit (institutional and individual) for foreign employment at 374 thousand, while 237 thousand...

Labour permit within an hour: Minister Aryal

Minister for Labour, Employment and Social Security Dol Prasad Aryal has said the government had been successful to provide labour permit within an hour to the worker opting foreign employment.

Narainapur starts issuing overseas labour permit

The process of issuing labour permit for foreign employment has started from the local level of Banke district. The arrangement for the approval process has begun in line with the circular of the Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Security. The service has started from employment centres at the local level.

2-year provision on labour permit removed

The government has removed the provision of two-year in issuing labour permits for foreign employment.

2-year provision on labour permit removed

The government has removed the provision of two-year in issuing labour permits for foreign employment.

Dofe labour permit. The DoFE, labour offices,issuing labour

to foreign employment aspirants and they need not wait at the labour office for long. At present, the government has been issuing labour permit from the labour offices in all the seven states.

Labour re-permit to be issued online from Sunday

KATHMANDU, Jan 15: The Department of Foreign Employment, Kathmandu, is preparing to issue labour re-permit online to aspiring Nepali migrant workers from Sunday. The Department, which had been issuing the labour permit through both medium—physical presence and online, is going to issue re-permit only online.   Minister for Labour, Employment and Social Security, Krishna Kumar Shrestha, said that the arrangement made for labour re-permit online has ended the compulsion of Nepali workers, who have come to their homes from foreign employment, to wait in line for hours at the Department of Foreign Employment to get their labour permit again.  Secretary at the Ministry, Ek Narayan Aryal, said that the government would make this arrangement in order to provide service in an easy and smooth manner making labour permits 'paperless'. Similarly, Chief Ramesh Aryal shared that activities related to labour re-permit are going to be carried only online to provide services in an easy, smooth, fast and transparent manner making the labour permit 'faceless, paperless and cashless.  Following the directive of the Labour Ministry to provide services to Nepali migrant workers in an easy and smooth manner using modern technology, the Department of Foreign Employment is going to issue labour re-permit online, he added.

Bill related to Right to Employment approved

Bista said that effectiveness of the monitoring of those foreigners working in Nepal without any labour permit would be enhanced and foreign employment would be streamlined and made more effective.