Australia honey bees put in lockdown due to deadly varroa parasite

JUNE 29: The varroa destructor was first found at a port near Sydney last week but has since been spotted in hives 100km away. The outbreak threatens to cost the honey and food production industries millions of dollars. Keepers inside a new biosecurity zone will not be able to move hives, bees or honeycombs until further notice. Australia was the only continent free of the varroa mites, which are the biggest threat to bees worldwide. The pests - which are about the size of a sesame seed - weaken and kill colonies by feasting on them and transmitting viruses. Authorities have introduced several biosecurity measures to limit the outbreak, after the mites were detected at seven sites across New South Wales. Any hives within 10km of infected locations - about 400 so far - will also be destroyed, while colonies within 25km will be inspected and monitored. A "bee lockdown", banning movement of bees across the state, is also being enforced. That is critical to stop the outbreak devastating producers, says NSW Farmers' Ian McColl. If the mites continue to spread, it could cost the honey production industry alone $70 million ($48m, £39m) a year, he says. About a third of Australia's food production relies on bee pollination, including almonds, apples and avocadoes. "Bees are an integral part of our production system," Mr McColl added. "This is not just a concern for industry, but it's a major community concern as well." Previous detections of other kinds of varroa mite in Queensland and Victoria have been eradicated and farmers expect the next few days to be critical in tackling the outbreak.

सम्बन्धित सामग्री

Pollination by multiple bee species improves cherry harvest

Trees should be pollinated by both honey bees and mason bees for the best cherry harvest.

Pollination by multiple bee species improves cherry harvest

Trees should be pollinated by both honey bees and mason bees for the best cherry harvest.

Study: Therapy Boosts Bees' Immunity to Deadly Viruses

Researchers have successfully tested a novel strategy for enhancing honey bees' immune systems in an effort to help them fend off lethal viruses.

Study: Therapy Boosts Bees' Immunity to Deadly Viruses

Researchers have successfully tested a novel strategy for enhancing honey bees' immune systems in an effort to help them fend off lethal viruses.

Wildfires, mites affecting honey collection

Honey farmers, who had reached Mahottari district's forests with honey bees of mellifera species, could not collect as much honey as they had expected due to persistently raging wildfire.

Apiarist from Lalitpur brings bees to Baglung in search of floral plants

Baglung is being developed as a hub of beekeeping. The honey produced with the bees raised in this hilly area is considered organic and hygienic.

Rejoicing with bees in old age: Amrita Rawal

JUMLA, Dec 9: Amrita Rawal, 72, of Tatopani Rural Municipality-2, Jumla Dagiwada, has no leisure. She is busy taking care of bees, feeding them, extracting honey and processing it. When she started keeping bees in five hives 25 years ago, she became the first woman beekeeper in the district.

Beekeeping business: Profit in hives rather than honey

Dil Bahadur Khatri and his bees depend upon mustard for the production of honey.

Beekeeping business: Profit in hives rather than honey

Dil Bahadur Khatri and his bees depend upon mustard for the production of honey.

Scientists, researches confirm pesticides harm the bees

A new, comprehensive report from European scientists confirms what many researchers have already been warning about: a class of pesticides called neonicotinoids poses a danger to wild bees and managed honey bees. The report analyzed over 1,500 studies on the issue.