813 journalists contract coronavirus

KATHMANDU, May A total of 813 journalists and media persons have so far  tested positive for coronavirus in the country.  According to the Federation of Nepali Journalists (FNJ), so far 16 journalists have succumbed to the virus.  The FNJ stated that three journalists are receiving treatment in ICU and three others are in a ventilator.  Meanwhile, the FNJ also condemned the act of issuing threats to a journalist in Sunsari district. Different organizations had issued statements by the use of offensive terminologies against Ratna Prasad  reacting to a news story. The FNJ has also asked the stakeholders to ensure professional security of the journalists and immediately bring to book those individuals involved in threatening the media person.

सम्बन्धित सामग्री

One succumbs to coronavirus

A person died of coronavirus while undergoing treatment on Wednesday, according to the Ministry of Health and Population.

One succumbs to coronavirus

A person died of coronavirus while undergoing treatment on Wednesday, according to the Ministry of Health and Population.

One dies of coronavirus

A person died of coronavirus infection on Saturday. Ministry of Health and Population informed that a person receiving treatment for COVID-19

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Elderly person dies from coronavirus

An elderly person of Raptisonari rural municipality died from coronavirus today.

Humla records coronavirus cases in eight months

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