Education Minister pledges teachers facilities on par with civil employees

The Minister shared so at an interaction organized by Tarakhola rural municipality in Baglung on Monday. During the interaction, Minister Poudel also pledged that a technical institution would be set up at Tarakhola rural municipality under the Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT).

सम्बन्धित सामग्री

Circular to teachers to participate in protest

​​​​​​​Nepal Teachers’ Federation has announced a protest in Kathmandu against the School Education Bill proposed by the government, citing that demands and issues of school teachers and employees were not addressed.

National Education Day today

KATHMANDU, Sep 19: The National Education Day, 2080 is being observed across the country today under the slogan, 'inclusive and skill-based education and retention of youths within country'. The Ministry of Education, Science and Technology has formed a main celebration

Education ministry agrees to review salary scale of school employees

KATHMANDU, July 12: The Ministry of Education, Science and Technology has agreed to include the issue of fixing the salary scale of school employees in the Federal Education Act. The agreement was reached following negotiations with teachers and staffers' unions.

Education ministry agrees to review salary scale of school employees

KATHMANDU, July 12: The Ministry of Education, Science and Technology has agreed to include the issue of fixing the salary scale of school employees in the Federal Education Act. The agreement was reached following negotiations with teachers and staffers' unions.

Education Minister pledges teachers facilities on par with civil employees

Minister for Education, Science and Technology Devendra Poudel assured that teacher in public schools would be provided facilities in par with civil employees. Stating that teachers should be entitled to facilities and perks as other civil employees, Minister Poudel shared that his Ministry had already decided on the same and the decision would come into effect from the next fiscal year’s budget.

Annapurna Rural Municipality introduces local curriculum

MYAGDI, July 27: Annapurna Rural Municipality in the district has prepared a local curriculum. The education, youth and sports section of the rural municipality published a book on local curriculum and is introducing it from the new academic session. The constitution of Nepal has given rights to the local level to prepare the curriculum of basic level of school and implement it. Education officer at the rural municipality, Ganesh Bahadur Katuwal, informed, "The curriculum to be implemented from Grade 1 to 5 has incorporated the introduction of rural municipality, indigenous culture, available natural resources, traditional technology, development infrastructures, religious spots, tourism, natural disaster, occupation and entrepreneurship etc." The schools are now getting the books. There are 14 chapters in the book of Grade 1, which carries 100 full marks.  One hundred and sixty teaching hours are mentioned in the book which has also included local sports, icons and contemporary issues. Interestingly, Grade 1 book has 70 percent sketches and 30 percent texts. The book is named 'Hamro Gaupalika' (Our Rural Municipality).  There are 36 community schools in the rural municipality. Last year, the rural municipality had allocated the budget of Rs 300 thousand to prepare curriculum and half million rupees for printing books.  Resource person at rural municipality, Bharat Pun, informed that the budget allocated for the curriculum was fully spent. It has planned to introduce book for Grade 2 and 3 next year. The employees at education section, teachers at community schools and stakeholders concerned had participated in the preparation of local curriculum.

NC grieves of disparity against teachers in tourism allowance

KATHMANDU, June 14: Nepali Congress (NC) Central Education Department has drawn the attention of the government towards the discrimination between teachers and government employees when it comes to tourism allowance and other provisions announced in the budget speech on May 29. Minister for Finance Bishnu Poudel, unveiling the budget for the fiscal year 2021/22, announced the government had decided to provide 10 days leave including travel expenses (tourism allowance) to the government employees, corporation’s employees and Academy’s employees among others from the upcoming fiscal year.  The government also encouraged the private sector to follow the suit as a scheme to promote domestic tourism. Other schemes included group insurance worth Rs 1 million for the government employees and Rs 100,000 as the health insurance premium. NC central office secretary Dr Krishna Prasad Poudel, issuing a press statement here today, urged the government not to give encouragement to such discriminatory treatment. The government had appropriated a budget of Rs 180.4 billion out of the Rs 1.64 trillion budget for the education sector for the new fiscal year 2021/22.  Although many new measures have been proposed under the President Education Reform Programme to enhance education quality and improve physical infrastructures in the community schools and university, no significant schemes such as motivational allowance, tourism allowance among others for the teachers and staffers in the community schools and in the universities have been announced.  The government has, however, announced to raise the remuneration of the child development teachers and school staffs to minimum Rs 15,000. Poudel has also appealed to the government to put an end to such disparity and the trend to address demands through demonstration.