Jhapa Diaries

The heavens roar thunderously above, the trees bend here and there with a colossal crashing sound, the water of the damp earth gushes into the rooms as they overflow from a gutter, the rainwater poke at the roof, the wind rocks the house, the windows rattle as the finger-like branches snap at it fiercely, villagers shout frantically as they run to their houses, animals cry as the water barges into their shelter, the clouds scuttle unbearably low in the pink and purple sky. The weather is tumultuous and everything feels heavy.

सम्बन्धित सामग्री

Tusker terror continues unabated Jhapa

The number of elephant attacks has risen in Jhapa district that has claimed several human lives in recent years.

Tusker terror continues unabated Jhapa

The number of elephant attacks has risen in Jhapa district that has claimed several human lives in recent years.

Husband killed wife in Jhapa

In Jhapa Rural Municipality of Jhapa, a man killed his wife with a sharp weapon.

Jhapa becomes coronavirus free

According to the Public Health Office, Jhapa, there is no COVID-19 infection in the district.

NC convention concluded in Jhapa

Sagirath Ganesh has been elected the President of Jhapa rural municipality

Jhapa to construct 500-bed hospital

Construction of a 500-bed hospital at Kamal Rural Municipality in Jhapa district has been started.