KATHMANDU: The government’s expenditure has surpassed the income till the second quarter of the current fiscal year 2024/25. According to data from the Office of the Financial Comptroller General, the government’s income stood at Rs 738 billion 821 million and 300 thousand while the expenditure was Rs 839 billion and 356 million rill March 13. […]
The production team has claimed that the film, which was released last Friday has grossed over 40 million rupees in a week. ‘Hostel 3’ has entered its second week of release since Friday and earning well. The film’s production team has announced that the film has grossed Rs 43.2 million as of Thursday. Sashan Kandel, […]
काठमाडौं(हाम्रो खेलकुद) – युगाण्डामा जारी वुमेन्स कप टि ट्वान्टी आई सिरिजमा नेपालले सान्त्वना जित हासिल गरेको छ । लिग चरणको अन्तिम खेलमा नेपालले हङकङलाई ६ विकेटले हराउँदै सान्त्वना जित हात पारेको हो । हङकङले दिएको १ सय ५ रनको लक्ष्य नेपालले १९.३ ओभरमा ४ विकेट गुमाएर पूरा गर्यो । नेपालका लागि ओपनर सम्झना खड्काले सर्वाधिक
काठमाडौँ – नेपाल कम्युनिष्ट पार्टी (एमाले)ले केन्द्रीय सचिवालयको बैठक बोलाएको छ। एमाले केन्द्रीय कार्यालयका सचिव डा भीष्म अधिकारीले यही चैत ४ गते सचिवालय