Socialist Front meeting begins

The meeting of Socialist Front comprising of four political parties has started at the central office of CPN (Unified Socialist) in Baneshwar.

सम्बन्धित सामग्री

Postponed Socialist Front message meeting to be held Tuesday

KATHMANDU, Sep 11: The message meeting of the Socialist Front, under the Far-West Province, is scheduled to be held tomorrow on Tuesday. The meeting was scheduled to be held on August 31 but was postponed indefinitely after a dispute arose between the constituent parties of the

Message meeting of Socialist Front being organized in Pokhara today

KATHMANDU, Sep 1: The message meeting of the Socialist Front is being organized in Pokhara of the Gandaki Province today. The top leaders of the Front will be addressing the meeting. Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal ‘Prachanda’, Chairman of CPN (Unified Socialist),

Socialist Front meeting begins

The meeting of Socialist Front comprising of four political parties has started at the central office of CPN (Unified Socialist) in Baneshwar.

Socialist Front scheduled to meet today evening

A meeting of the Socialist Front comprising four political parties will be taking place late this evening.

Socialist Front meeting Sunday

The meeting of the Socialist Front is taking place on Sunday at the central office of the CPN (Unified Socialist) in Kathmandu.

Socialist Front meeting Sunday

The meeting of the Socialist Front is taking place on Sunday at the central office of the CPN (Unified Socialist) in Kathmandu.

First meeting of Socialist Front consisting 4 parties starts

KATHMANDU, July 8: The first meeting of the Socialist Front consisting of four parties has started. The meeting started at the Central Office of the CPN Unified Socialists Party in Aloknagar. CPN Maoist Centre's Chairman Prachanda, CPN Unified Socialists' Chairman Madhav

Socialist Front to organize mass assemblies in all provinces

The first meeting of the Socialist Front, Nepal held Saturday has decided to organize political events in the provincial capital

Socialist Front to organize mass assemblies in all provinces

The first meeting of the Socialist Front, Nepal held Saturday has decided to organize political events in the provincial capital

Agreement to announce Socialist Front on Monday

KATHMANDU, June 18: The Socialist Front will be announced on Monday. The agreement to form the Socialist Front on Monday was made in the meeting held at the Prime Minister’s residence in Baluwatar on Sunday. Party Office Secretary of the Maoist Center Dor Prasad Upadhyaya