Moscow, March 14 — Russian President Vladimir Putin said he agreed with the idea of a ceasefire in Ukraine, but that "questions" remained about the nature of a truce as he set out a number of tough conditions.
The Russian president was responding to a plan for a 30-day ceasefire, which Ukraine agreed to earlier this week after talks with the US.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky described Putin's response to the plan as "manipulative" and called for more sanctions on Russia.
Meanwhile, the US placed further sanctions on Russian oil, gas and banking sectors.
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१९ महिनापछि बुधबार शल्यक्रिया मार्फत सुरक्षित प्रसूति सेवा सञ्चालन गरिएको अस्पतालले जनाएको छ। अस्पतालका अनुसार २३ वर्षीया गर्भवतीको शल्यक्रिया गरि दुई किलो पाँच सय ग्राम तौल भएको बच्चा जन्मिएको छ।
ह्वाइट हाउसमा मंगलबार एउटा असाधारण दृश्य देखियो । राष्ट्रपति डोनाल्ड ट्रम्पले ह्वाइट हाउसबाहिर आयोजना गरिएको प्रेस कन्फ्रेन्स र लाइभ टेस्ला विज्ञापनमा सहभागिता जनाए।