Visa signs an agreement with Fonepay, Visa network users can now pay by scanning Fonepay's QR

Users of mVISA can now pay by scanning the Fonepay QR code. Visa and Fonepay collaborated on this on Thursday. Foreign tourists who have joined the Visa network will also be able to conduct business in Nepal by scanning the Fonepay QR code. F1Soft recently celebrated its 18th anniversary, having been founded on March 6, 2004. The company held a Fonepay and Visa launch event on the 10th of March, 2022. Scan to Pay is now available in Nepal, thanks to a partnership between Visa and Fonepay. The Visa and Fonepay launch event was attended by Manuel Micaller, Deputy Chief of Mission at the US Embassy, and Bishwas Dhakal, President of F1Soft. Diwas Sapkota, Assistant Chief Executive Officer of Fonepay, welcomed the audience and spoke about the company's success. Since the inception of Fonepay, he has been a part of the company. For the past three years, he said, Fonepay has been successfully expanding its products and services in Nepal. Fonepay also stated that its QR Payment,...