Election Ads on social networking sites remain unregulated

KATHMANDU, Nov 15: Just a week away from the November 20 general elections, the social networking sites, especially Facebook, are flooded with election related adverts of the candidates and the parties participating in the polls.

सम्बन्धित सामग्री

CEC Thapaliya terms fake news as threat to democracy

KATHMANDU, Oct 19: Chief Election Commissioner (CEC) Dinesh Kumar Thapaliya has said that regulation of fake news, misinformation and hate speech that are disseminated through social networking sites was a tough job and the Election Commission (EC)’s efforts alone could not be effective for it.

Candidates required to submit expenses details of online advertisement

KATHMANDU, Oct 11: The Election Commission (EC) has urged the political parties and candidates to submit the details of expenditure made for online advertisement in social networking sites for the federal and provincial assembly elections.

Candidates required to submit expenses details of online advertisement

KATHMANDU: The Election Commission (EC) has urged the political parties and candidates to submit the details of expenditures made for the online advertisement in social networking sites for the federal and provincial assembly elections. The EC’s appeals has come as the social networking sites are filled with the polls related advertisements after the completion of […]

EUEOM’s report triggers discourse on media and social networking sites

KATHMANDU, March 27: European Union Election Observation Mission (EUEOM)’s ‘controversial report last week triggered hot discourse on the main stream media and social networking sites.