AstraZeneca: US data shows vaccine effective for all adults

WASHINGTON, Mar 23: AstraZeneca reported Monday that its COVID-19 vaccine provided strong protection among adults of all ages in a long-anticipated U.S. study, a finding that could help rebuild public confidence in the shot around the world and move it a step closer to clearance in the U.S.

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Moderna files for US authorization of Covid shot for kids under 6

Moderna released trial data in March showing that its vaccine was safe and generated a similar immune response in young children as for adults, which was the goal of the study.

US Covid vaccine for children under five delayed by at least two months

On Friday, the agency said it had reviewed new trial information that arrived after Pfizer and BioNTech’s request for emergency authorization and decided it needed more data before weighing in on the authorization.

Pfizer's Covid-19 vaccine trial data shows long-term efficacy in adolescents

The vaccine was authorized for emergency use in people aged 12-15 years by the US Food & Drug Administration in May, and granted full approval for use in people aged 16 and above in August.

Pfizer's Covid-19 vaccine trial data shows long-term efficacy in adolescents

The vaccine was authorized for emergency use in people aged 12-15 years by the US Food & Drug Administration in May, and granted full approval for use in people aged 16 and above in August.

AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine shows 74% efficacy in large US trial

The data looked at more than 26,000 volunteers in the United States, Chile and Peru, who received two doses of the vaccine spaced about a month apart.

Pfizer/BioNTech data shows Covid-19 vaccine safe and protective in kids

Top US health officials believe regulators could make a decision on whether the shot is safe and effective in younger children within three weeks of the companies submitting a request for authorization.

Infographics: Nepal’s COVID-19 vaccination status

KATHMANDU, Aug 15: Nepal had launched the vaccination drive against the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) on January 27, last year.  Since then, a total of 1,868,425 people have received the first shot of the Covishield vaccine (manufactured by Serum Institute of India), Japanese-made COVID-19 AstraZeneca vaccine and Swedish AstraZeneca vaccine. Similarly, 774,533 people have received the second jab of the same vaccine. The government has been administering the second jab of AstraZeneca vaccine to those who had received the first dose before April, earlier this year.  According to the data released by the Ministry of Health and Population (MoHP),  2,805,893 people have so far been inoculated with the first dose of Chinese-made Verocell vaccine while 1,255,411 have received both the doses.  Government data revealed that 1,273,634 shots of the US-manufactured Johnson and Johnson (J&J) vaccine  have been administered throughout the country. Nepal had received 1.6 million of single-shot J&J vaccines from the United States under grant assistance.  See the province-wise data:

Russia, facing lags, turns to China to produce Sputnik shots

TAIPEI TAIWAN, May 3: Russia is turning to multiple Chinese firms to manufacture the Sputnik V coronavirus vaccine in an effort to speed up production as demand soars for its shot.      Russia has announced three deals totaling 260 million doses with Chinese vaccine companies in recent weeks. It's a decision that could mean quicker access to a shot for countries in Latin America, the Middle East, and Africa that have ordered Russia's vaccine, as the U.S. and the European Union focus mainly on domestic vaccination needs.       Earlier criticism about Russia's vaccine have been largely quieted by data published in the British medical journal The Lancet that said large-scale testing showed it to be safe, with an efficacy rate of 91%.       Yet, experts have questioned whether Russia can fulfill its pledge to countries across the world. While pledging hundreds of millions of doses, it has only delivered a fraction.       Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov has said demand for Sputnik V significantly exceeds Russia’s domestic production capacity.      To boost production, the Russian Direct Investment Fund, which bankrolled Sputnik V, has signed agreements with multiple drug makers in other countries, such as India, South Korea, Brazil, Serbia, Turkey, Italy and others. There are few indications, however, that manufacturers abroad, except for those in Belarus and Kazakhstan, have made any large amounts of the vaccine so far.       Airfinity, a London-based science analytics company, estimates Russia agreed to supply some 630 million doses of Sputnik V to over 100 countries, with only 11.5 million doses exported so far.       RDIF declined to disclose how many doses are going to other countries. Through April 27, less than 27 million two-dose sets of Sputnik V have been reportedly produced in Russia.       The Russian Direct Investment Fund, which has been in charge of international cooperation for Sputnik V, said in April it would produce 100 million doses in collaboration with Hualan Biological Bacterin Inc., in addition to an earlier deal announced in March for 60 million doses with Shenzhen Yuanxin Gene tech Co.      The two deals are in addition to a deal announced last November with Tibet Rhodiola Pharmaceutical Holding Co, which had paid $9 million to manufacture and sell the Sputnik V vaccine in China. RDIF said in April the terms of the deal were for 100 million doses with a subsidiary company belonging to Tibet Rhodiola.      Russia is “very ambitious and unlikely to meet their full targets,” said Rasmus Bech Hansen, founder and CEO of Airfinity. Working with China to produce Sputnik V could be a win-win situation for both Russia and China, he added.      In recent years, Chinese vaccine companies have turned from largely making products for use domestically to supplying the global market, with individual firms gaining WHO preapproval for specific vaccines — seen as a seal of quality. With the pandemic, Chinese vaccine companies have exported hundreds of millions of doses abroad.      Chinese vaccine makers have been quick to expand capacity and say they can meet China’s domestic need by the end of the year.      “This is an acknowledgment of the Chinese vaccine manufacturers who can produce at volume,” said Helen Chen, head of pharmaceuticals LEK Consulting, strategy consultancy firm in Shanghai, in an email.      However, none of the three Chinese companies have yet to start manufacturing Sputnik V.      Tibet Rhodiola started constructing a factory in Shanghai at the end of last year and expects production to start in September, the company said at an annual meeting for investors last month. Tibet Rhodiola’s chairman Chen Dalin also said that after the successful technology transfer, they will start with an order of 80 million doses to sell back to Russia. An employee at the company declined to transfer a phone call request to the company's media department for comment.      The timeline for the newest deals are also unclear. Hualan Bio was among the 10 largest vaccines manufacturers in China in 2019. Phone calls to Hualan Bio went unanswered.      A spokeswoman for Shenzhen Yuanxing declined to say when the company will start production but said their order would not be for sale within China. RDIF had said the production will start this month.      In spite of the delays, Russia’s vaccine diplomacy has made gains.      From the outset, Russia, the first country to approve a coronavirus vaccine, aimed to distribute it globally. Within weeks of giving Sputnik V regulatory approval, RDIF started actively marketing it abroad, announcing multiple deals to supply the shot to other countries. It is so far winning the “public relations” battle, analysts said in a new report examining Russia and China's vaccine diplomacy from the Economist Intelligence Unit.      “Russia has been able to build stronger diplomatic ties and in areas where it hasn’t been able to,” before, said Imogen Page-Jarrett, an analyst at EIU. “They have this window of opportunity while the US, E.U. and India are focusing on domestic and the rest of the world is crying out for a vaccine supply."

Countries resume use of AstraZeneca vaccine, while some lose confidence

Fresh data on Thursday showed the AstraZeneca vaccine was 76% effective in preventing symptomatic coronavirus infections in a new analysis of its US trial.

AstraZeneca's new trial data gives COVID-19 vaccine a boost in US

AstraZeneca’s coronavirus vaccine received a major boost on Monday after data from a large trial showed it was safe and effective, potentially paving the way for its emergency authorisation in the United States as countries in Asia accelerated its rollout.