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Vitamin 'A' and deworming medicine being given to children
The government is giving vitamin A and deworming medicine to children under five years of age today.
पूर्ण विवरण
सम्बन्धित सामग्री
Special vaccination campaign for children
A special vaccination campaign for children is going to start in Lalitpur.
Special vaccination campaign for children
A special vaccination campaign for children is going to start in Lalitpur.
Four percent children deprived of immunization
Four percent children deprived of immunization
Pfizer COVID shots 73% effective in children
Two children drowned in water tank
Two children drown in river
Two children drowned in Mohana River at Dhangadhi Sub-metropolis-3 today.
War doesn't spare Ukraine's children
25,000 children vaccinated in Doti
Twenty-five thousand school children in the Doti district have been vaccinated against coronavirus at their own schools.
Baitadi children administered Moderna vaccines
About 39,000 children in Baitadi above 12 years of age have been vaccinated against coronavirus since Tuesday.