Five years ago, West Bengal’s government pledged to improve hospital security. Despite promises, none were implemented where a female doctor was assaulted and killed.
June 13: Mourners at the wake of an elderly Ecuadorean woman were startled to discover she was still alive.
A hospital doctor in the city of Babahoyo declared Bella Montoya, 76, died following a suspected stroke.
She was placed in a coffin
BIRATNAGAR: A 28 year old doctor working at Nobel Hospital, Biratnagar has been found dead in front of his residence on Saturday. According to SP Janardan GC, Vijay Yadav, a doctor working at Nobel Hospital in Kanchanbari, Biratnagar, was found dead in front of his residence this morning. Dr. Yadav who hails from Rajbiraj in […]
JAJARKOT, March 10: A single doctor has run the Jajarkot district hospital service for a month. The 50-bed hospital is now facing hardship to deliver the services due to lack of doctors for a long.
UDAYAPUR, Dec 27: The District Administration Office, Udayapur initiated action against the District Hospital administration after the emergency ward of the hospital was found without a doctor or other staff.