Peru moving up elections amid protests

Peru’s newest president address that she will send Congress a proposal to move up elections.

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Peru president proposes moving up elections amid protests

Peru’s newest president, Dina Boluarte, gave in to protesters’ demands early Monday announcing in a nationally televised address that she will send Congress a proposal to move up elections.

Peru President Boluarte to ask Congress to bring elections forward to 2024

Boluarte was sworn in last week after Castillo was sacked by Congress and arrested for attempting to dissolve the legislature in an effort to prevent an impeachment vote against him.

Two dead and four injured in Peru protests to demand elections

Demonstrators have demanded that Peru hold elections rather than allow Boluarte to stay in power until Castillo’s term ends in 2026.

Peru moving up elections amid protests

Peru’s newest president address that she will send Congress a proposal to move up elections.

Peru moving up elections amid protests

Peru’s newest president address that she will send Congress a proposal to move up elections.