‘It’s only very recently that I started reading books on filmmaking’

Sisan Baniya, a video content creator, on how he got into reading and how reading filmmaking books has helped him better understand his craft.

सम्बन्धित सामग्री

Rethinking your relationship with food | The Annapurna Express

I enjoy reading books about food—both fiction and non-fiction. A colleague got me hooked on them with her never

Rethinking your relationship with food | The Annapurna Express

I enjoy reading books about food—both fiction and non-fiction. A colleague got me hooked on them with her never

Random online browsing no substitute for reading books

‘The Digital Lawyer’ Mamta Siwakoti shares why reading is still important in the digital age and how she makes time for it in her busy schedule.

10 benefits of reading books

Among various benefits of reading books, the most important is that it enhances knowledge on a vast array of subjects. The post 10 benefits of reading books  appeared first on OnlineKhabar English News.

‘Reading helps us sharpen our analytical skills’

Shaguni Singh Sakya, a hotelier and art enthusiast, on how reading books on art, history and heritage has helped her deepen her understanding of Nepal’s history.

Opinion | Who reads English books in Nepal?

The culture of reading promoted by The Spirit Catcher represents a strong tradition of reading books in English in Nepal.

Opinion | Who reads English books in Nepal?

The culture of reading promoted by The Spirit Catcher represents a strong tradition of reading books in English in Nepal.

10 good reads during lockdown

KATHMANDU, March 22: How about utilizing this lock down time on some productive and creative activities, including reading books so that this free time won’t go useless?