In pics: New Diamond open women volleyball competition

The competition is being jointly organized by the State Sports Development Council, Bagmati State and New Diamond Sports Club.

सम्बन्धित सामग्री

Olympic competition nears total gender parity

GENEVA: The founder of the modern Olympics and former International Olympic Committee president Pierre de Coubertin once said women competing in the Games would be “impractical, uninteresting, unaesthetic and improper.” More than a century later, the 2024 Paris Olympic Games are targeting gender parity in the same city where women made their Olympic debut in […]

'Enduro Int'l Mountain Bike' race kicks off in Pokhara

KASKI, Nov 23: The 'Enduro International Mountain Bike' race has kicked off today in Pokhara. A total of 55 mountain bike racers from 11 countries including Nepal are competing for the title in the three-day competition at Arba Bijayadanda in Pokhara Metropolitan City-13.

Nepali women win gold in international competition

Nanda Bashyal has won the gold medal for Nepali in the World Seongnam Hanmadang International Taekwondo Tournament in Korea.

Nepali women win gold in international competition

Nanda Bashyal has won the gold medal for Nepali in the World Seongnam Hanmadang International Taekwondo Tournament in Korea.

Women’s Day means nothing for Baitadi women

The local levels of Baitadi on Wednesday marked the 113th International Women Workers Day with a whole lot of grandeur and pomp. To mark the day, Dasharathchand Municipality also organised a Deuda song and dance competition in the district headquarters. Surprisingly, the event was mostly attended by the women belonging to the financially well-off families, who were clad in beautiful saris and

9th National Games: APF team wins women volleyball

The Armed Police Force women's team has won the volleyball competition organized under the ongoing 9th National Games.

In pics: New Diamond open women volleyball competition

The competition is being jointly organized by the State Sports Development Council, Bagmati State and New Diamond Sports Club.

Lawmakers suggest 'women only' contest under FPTP election system

KATHMANDU, August 3: Lawmakers have suggested incorporating a provision in the proposed Bill related to the elections to the House of Representatives that allows only women into competition under the first-past-the-post electoral system.

Study finds women with more testosterone get large boost

A scientific paper published Monday found that women who produce higher-than-normal amounts of testosterone have up to a 4.5 percent advantage over their competition on the track, evidence the sport's governing body will use to potentially sideline Olympic gold medalist Caster Semenya and others with so-called intersex conditions.