Nepal’s foreign trade last month: Import worth Rs 104.75 billion, export worth Rs 9.69 billion

KATHMANDU, Nov 24: Nepal spent Rs 104.75 billion on imported goods while the earning from export was mere Rs 9.69 billion in the past one month.

सम्बन्धित सामग्री

Import of agricultural goods higher than country’s total export

Even though Nepal is an agricultural country, the import of agricultural goods is amounts higher than country’s total export. According to the st

S. Korea Records Surplus Amid Import Decline

South Korea logged current account surplus for the third successive month in July on faster fall in import than export.

S. Korea Records Surplus Amid Import Decline

South Korea logged current account surplus for the third successive month in July on faster fall in import than export.

The Import Scenario

Despite efforts being made to boost Nepal’s export trade, it has kept dwindling this year as well. The government has embraced the policy of increasing exports to

Import to export ratio narrows down

According to the annual data for 2021/22 released by the Department of Customs, the ratio between imports to export narrowed down to 9.60 in FY 2021/22 from 10.91 recorded in FY 2020/21.

Import of agro products exceeds export

JHAPA, July 5: The import of agricultural products has exceeded the export from the Kakarbhitta Customs Office. In the last 11 months of the current fiscal year, agricultural products worth Rs 8.67 billion were imported from this customs office.

Import of agro products exceeds export

The import of agricultural products has exceeded export from Kakadbhitta customs

Import of agro products exceeds export

The import of agricultural products has exceeded export from Kakadbhitta customs

Import- export ratio shrinks as export jumps up by 37 percent

The statistics revealed that export in the last 11 months of the current FY stood at Rs. 121.2 billion while it was about Rs. 88 billion in the same period of the previous FY.