Maoist Center Ministers resign en masse in Lumbini

BUTWAL: CPN-Maoist Center ministers representing the party in the Lumbini province government have resigned from their posts on Sunday. According to Maoist Center’s Lumbini Province Committee chairman Sudarshan Baral, three ministers representing the party have resigned from the CPN-UML -led Lumbini government. Earlier, the parliamentary party committee of the Maoist Center had decided to withdraw […]

सम्बन्धित सामग्री

Lumbini Province suspends two CPN (Maoist Center) ministers

KATHMANDU: Chief Minister Dilli Bahadur Chaudhary of Lumbini Province has taken action against two ministers affiliated with CPN (Maoist Center) by suspending them from their positions. Finance Minister Dhan Bahadur Maski Rana and Minister for Urban Development Krishna KC Namuna

Maoist Center exits Lumbini Province govt

KATHMANDU, March 26: The CPN (Maoist Center) has quit the Lumbini Province government.

Maoist to withdraw support to CM Giri

CPN-Maoist Center has prepared to withdraw its support to the Chief Minister of Lumbini.

Lumbini Province’s CM Giri sworn in

KATHMANDU, Jan 12: Lili Giri, the parliamentary party leader of CPN-UML of Lumbini Province, and the newly elected Chief Minster, took an oath of office and secrecy on Thursday.  Giri was appointed the Chief Minister of the province on Wednesday. Giri has been backed by CPN (Maoist Center) and Rast

Maoist Center holding provincial conferences today

KATHMANDU: The ruling CPN (Maoist Center) is holding provincial conferences on Saturday.  Ten provinces including seven provinces and three geographical provinces --- Valley Special, Communication and Coordination and Diaspora--  are holding the conferences to elect the party's new leadership in the respective provinces.  Party Chairman Pushpa Kamal Dahal 'Prachanda' is scheduled to inaugurate the conferences amid a virtual session.  Conferences will be held in Biratnagar (Province 1), Janakpur (Province 2), Kathmandu (Bagmati), Pokhara (Gandaki), Bhalubang (Lumbini), Surkhet (Karnali) and Dhangadi (Sudur Paschim).  Each of the provinces will elect new committees including nine office bearers. Office bearers posts include a chairman, three vice-chair, one secretary, three joint secretaries and a treasurer.  Province 1 will have a 259-member provincial committee compared to 271-member in Province 2, 275 in Bagmati and 229 in Gandaki provinces. Similarly, Lumbini will have a 253-member province committee while Karnali and Sudur Paschim provinces will constitute 211 and 223-member provincial committees. The party had organized its local unit-level conferences on November 27.  The National Conference is scheduled to be held on December 26-28.

Lumbini CM KC to form seven-member Cabinet

BUTWAL, Aug 12: Newly appointed chief minister of Lumbini Province, Kul Prasad KC, is preparing to form a seven-member Cabinet.  KC, who was appointed the chief minister of Lumbini as per Article 168 (2) of the Constitution of Nepal on Thursday, is inducting one minister from the CPN (Maoist Center) and Nepali Congress (NC) each while three others will be picked from the Janata Samajbadi Party (JSP). Similarly, an independent member of the Lumbini Province Assembly will also be included in the KC-led Cabinet.  All the ministers including CM KC are being administered oaths of office and secrecy later on Thursday evening.

Kul Prasad KC appointed chief minister of Lumbini Province

BUTWAL, Aug 12: Kul Prasad KC, the parliamentary party leader of the CPN (Maoist Center) has been appointed as the chief minister of Lumbini Province.  Province Chief Amik Sherchan appointed KC as the chief minister as per Article 168 (2) of the Constitution of Nepal.  Following the resignation of erstwhile Chief Minister Shankar Pokharel on Wednesday, Governor Sherchan asked the political parties representing in the provincial assembly to stake claim for a coalition government by 3 PM, Thursday.  An alliance of Maoist Center, Nepali Congress, Janata Samajbadi Party and Rastriya Janamorcha proposed the name of KC to succeed Pokharel.

Maoist Center’s Kul Prasad KC stakes claim for Lumbini CM

KATHMANDU, Aug 12: Parliamentary party leader of the CPN (Maoist Center), Kul Prasad KC has staked claim for the post of chief minister of Lumbini Province.  KC, in his letter submitted to Governor Amik Sherchan, claimed to have the support of 42 members of the 8-member Lumbini Province Assembly. He also attached the signatures of 42 lawmakers along with the letter.  Nineteen lawmakers belonging to the Maoist Center, 18 of Nepali Congress (NC), three of Janata Samajbadi Party (JSP) and one from Rastriya Janamorcha have extended their support to KC. Similarly, Ajaya Shahi who won 2017 elections on an election symbol of ‘Sun’ also signed in favor of KC.  Hours after CM Shankar Pokharel’s resignation on Wednesday, Governor Sherchan asked the political parties to stake claim for a new government formation by 3PM on Thursday as per Article 168 (1) of the Constitution of Nepal.

No-confidence motion registered against Lumbini CM Pokharel

KATHMANDU, May 9: Opposition parties including the Nepali Congress (NC) and CPN (Maoist Center) have registered no-confidence motion against chief minister of Lumbini Province, Shankar Pokharel for the second time on Sunday. Fakharudin Khan, whip of Nepali Congress in the province told Ratopati  that as many as 40 lawmakers of the 79-member province assembly have signed the motion, which was registered at the province assembly secretariat on Sunday itself. Similarly, Maoist lawmaker Kul Prasad KC has been proposed as the new CM to replace Pokharel.  He also shared that they are preparing to go to the governor of the province to ask the latter to call a special session of the province assembly in order to decide on the motion.  The Nepali Congress and the CPN (Maoist Center) had filed a no-confidence motion against Pokharel earlier on April 19. Pokharel, however, stepped down from the post of chief minister as a no confidence motion registered against him was scheduled to be tabled and discussed at the special session of Lumbini Province Assembly.  However, hours after his resignation from the position of the chief minister, Governor of Lumbini Province, Dharmanath Yadav re-appointed him for the same position on May 2.