About Rs 600,000 cash was robbed from Roshan Jyoti Oil Store (petrol pump) based at Belapatti in Bideha Municipality-7, Dhanusha district on Monday night.
A truck hit killed a motorbiker in Hariharpur, Mithila municipality-3 of Dhanusha district on Wednesday evening.
The post Dhanusha truck hit kills motorbiker appeared first on OnlineKhabar English News.
Two persons died in a motorbike accident in the Dhanusha district of southeastern Nepal on Monday night.
The post Dhanusha motorbike accident kills 2 appeared first on OnlineKhabar English News.
A man died in a motorbike accident in the Dhanusha district of Madhesh in southern Nepal on Thursday morning.
The post Dhanusha motorbike crash kills 1 appeared first on OnlineKhabar English News.
Yogendra Pajiyar has been elected the President of Nepali Congress Dhanusha. He defeated Santosh Yadav to become the President of NC Dhanusha in the second round of the election.