‘Aspects of inclusion and good governance challenging in sustainable infrastructure development’

KATHMANDU, June 16: Experts have said that the issue of inclusion and good governance has received less attention in regard to the sustainable infrastructure development.  Saying that the notion of good governance and inclusion has not been taken seriously from preparation to construction and operation of physical infrastructures, they spoke the importance of inclusion in terms of the access, use and returns and the aspects of good governance from the very beginning.   At a virtual discussion programme ‘Sustainable Infrastructure: Question of Inclusion and Governance’ organized by the Society of Economic Journalists-Nepal (SEJON) and Policy Enterprises Inc (PEI), the speakers highlighted problems from formulation of infrastructure projects. They also underlined the need of making infrastructure development model inclusive.  Former Vice-Chairperson of National Planning Commission Dr Govinda Raj Pokharel said both costs and time have increased during the implementation of physical infrastructure projects in lack of preparation.  Contracting the project construction without required preparation does not only increase the time and cost but also prevent the people from receiving proper returns, he said. Owing to allocation of less budget than the project costing, the projects are not being completed on time. The budget of over Rs 1 billion is needed for the completion of any project but the government allocates only Rs 30 million.  Former Secretary Tirtha Raj Dhakal said several problems are sure to emerge while implementing projects without formulating ‘project guideline’. He further noted, “Many countries implement the projects only after framing the guidelines but it is not happening in our country. The projects can be completed within the stipulated time and costs only after making adequate preparation”, he added.  Presenting a working paper ‘Infrastructure inclusion and governance’  Infrastructure expert Kamal Pandey stressed the need of inclusion and gender participation in infrastructure development. “The government needs to make utmost efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in terms of infrastructure sector by 2030”, he said.  “Nepal has to develop road density of 1.3 square kilometer by 2030 as per the SDGs but he progress as of now is only 0.6 square kilometer”, he added.  Gender activist Saru Joshi said the aspects of inclusion are being gradually considered while formulating plan for infrastructure development. She called for the need to maximize participation of excluded communities in the development of infrastructure.  Urban development expert Padma Sundar Joshi underscored the need of assessing whether or not the provisions of inclusion have been well-implemented in government programmes. “The environmental and human aspects have not been considered in the construction and expansion of Ring Road and Fast Track”, he noted.  Daya Sagar Shrestha of SDG Network blamed political actors for the problems surfaced in the selection and prioritization of infrastructure plans. The politics of vote has created challenges in the selection and prioritization, he noted.  Arjun Bhattarai of NGO Federation demanded proper attention on the development of disable and senior-citizen friendly infrastructure.  Mani Nepal of ICIMOD said Nepal should lay emphasis on ‘Economic Bio-Diversity’ in infrastructure development to strike balance between the development and environment.  Ajaya Dixit of Institute of Sustainable and Environmental Transition (ISET)called for higher sensitivity from design to construction in case of infrastructure projects.  Joint Secretary of Ministry of Urban Development Padma Mainali underlined the need of reforms in determining capital spending in physical infrastructure sector. “Though the grants provided by the federal government provides grants to the local and province governments are being spent in infrastructure sector it has not been accounted for as infrastructure expenditure”, he commented. 

सम्बन्धित सामग्री

Bihadi Rural Municipality unveils budget outlays of Rs. 464.79 million

Bihadi Rural Municipality in Parbat district has unveiled its budget, policies and programmes for the Fiscal Year 2024/25. The 15th village assembly of the rural municipality announced a budget of Rs. 464.793 million on Monday. Parabin Gurung, Chairman of the rural municipality, presented the annual policies and programmes for the upcoming fiscal year including various sectors such as economic development, social development, infrastructure development, environment and disaster management, good governance and institutional development, revenue and justice. At the assembly, Bihadi Rural Municipality Vice Chairperson Mina Sharma Tiwari allocated Rs. 331.7 million (71.38 per cent) for recurrent expenditure and Rs. 133 million (28.63 percent) for capital expenditure.

Private sector demands endorsement of MCC

KATHMANDU, October 7: The Private sector business associations have called for the endorsement of the Nepal-US Cooperation Project Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC). In a joint statement issued on Wednesday, the Federation of Nepalese Chambers of Commerce and Industry, the Confederation of Nepalese Industries and the Nepal Chamber of Commerce demanded that the MCC be passed by the parliament. "We urge the Government of Nepal, all political parties and stakeholders to immediately pass and implement the MCC in the national interest as adequate investment is needed to revive the economy in the aftermath of the COVID-19 epidemic and the MCC has the potential for long-term power export and technology transfer," the statement said. As per the agreement reached between the two countries, the construction of power transmission lines and road maintenance have not progressed yet, the statement said. Timely completion of power transmission line and road maintenance projects, which are of strategic importance in Nepal's development, would help in high economic growth. "The provision that projects under MCC should be completed within five years of commencement can be a model for good governance and development. As MCC projects have been implement in more than 30 countries in Europe, Asia, Latin America and Africa, the private sector is confident of smooth implementation in Nepal as well. We are clear that any infrastructure development, economic growth and job generation activity should not be affected, ” reads the statement.

Supreme Court has meddled in political topic: PM Oli

KATHMANDU, July 13: Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli has opined that the Supreme Court has tried to deal a blow to the party system by meddling in the political topic through excessive judicial activism.  The Prime Minister said this in his address to the nation today. He said the destination could not be reached by 'laying hands in' sometimes what he called topics which had not been demanded at all, referring to the Supreme Court's verdict on Monday. "The players are responsible for playing the game. But when the referee himself/herself has the desire to play the game, then it creates problem. The party system has been dealt a blow by the court's decision. Attempts have been made to amend the constitution. A situation has been created in which people's faith in the State organs would be lost and a sense of despondency would come in the people which might bring frightening consequences," PM Oli said. The Supreme Court's verdict on Monday has reinstated the House of Representatives and Nepali Congress president Sher Bahadur Deuba has been appointed the Prime Minister today itself. Prime Minister Oli, on the last day in office, recalled that he had exited from the government before this also but again reached the government's leadership through people's vote. Stating that sometimes there is contradiction between people's aspirations and the parliamentary numbers, he said now contradictions were seen in the decision of the other bodies of the State as well.   "I have unwavering faith in the people. This is not the end. I am not at all concerned because I am leaving the government. I pursued development in an unprecedented manner with new vision and with all sincerity keeping the welfare and service of the country and the people in mind," PM Oli stressed. According to the PM, the government has become successful in carrying out effective works in controlling the pandemic even in adverse situation. "I need not publicise the works here. We have to work for the country and the people. I will shoulder that responsibility no matter where I am," he asserted.  'Journey towards prosperity moving ahead along with pandemic control' PM Oli said his government has continued with the journey of 'Prosperous Nepal, Happy Nepali' along with prevention and control of COVID-19 pandemic through restraint, alertness and self-confidence.  He said although the various waves of the coronavirus pandemic dealt a serious blow to the journey of prosperity, the journey had to be continued forward without being dejected. PM Oli reiterated that all the citizens would be administered the vaccines free of cost as efforts were on to bring the vaccine against COVID-19 despite its shortage throughout the world. Achievements made in nationality, development and prosperity in spite of non-cooperation  The Prime Minister said the present government has worked in favour of nationality, development and prosperity even amid 'non-cooperation and attack from all sides'. He made it clear that the government has expedited physical infrastructure development and strengthened the federalism through the implementation of the new constitution during this period despite the non-cooperation from those within (the party) to the government and the tendency to only make negative comments while not publicising the achievements made. Expressing condolences over the death of those who lost their lives to the coronavirus pandemic and the recent floods and landslides, PM Oli said the government has made arrangement for providing free medical treatment to those who are sick and injured. He added that the government has moved forward with clear plans and programmes for reconstruction, construction of other infrastructures and for social development. He also drew the attention of all towards what he called the serious conspiracies to make the country unsuccessful by creating discord and conflict in the nation when what was required is to work for controlling the pandemic and the nation's development without wasting any time as the country is suffering from the COVID-19 pandemic. Stating that although it was not necessary to become despondent and irritated, he said the outcome and the consequences of the Supreme Court's Monday verdict would be seen in the coming days. He alleged that attempts have been made to take the politics in the opposite direction instead of carrying out works towards consolidation of national  sovereignty and the country's independence. PM Oli said he wished for a successful remaining term of the House of Representatives and that the general election is held on time. He said a question has arisen whether the rule of law and the democracy would be undermined. Recalling that he has spent seven decades working for democracy, PM and the UML parliamentary party leader Oli said he has not conceived of using any 'inappropriate unpolitical gimmicks' except politics.  "There is no other topic in my heart and mind other than the country's sovereignty, independence, security, development, good governance, building civilized society and prosperity with social justice," PM Oli said, adding that he had no other personal interest other than the promotion of the democratic system and a matching honest resolve  required for making Nepal beautiful and prosperous. "I consider the people as empowered whenever I join the government or exit from it. However, today I am ousted by the orders of the court. My hope and commitment towards democracy and my love for the country and the people will not be weakened."

Birendranagar Municipality brings budget of Rs 1.56 billion

KARNALI, June 25: Birendranagar Municipality has released a budget of Rs 1.56 billion for coming fiscal year 2021/22. At the ninth municipal assembly of the municipality held on Thursday, Deputy-Mayor Mohan Maya Dhakal unveiled the Rs 1.56 billion proposed budget. Out of total budget, Rs 1.13 billion has been allocated towards current budget while Rs 433.33 million towards capital budget. Similarly, Rs 20.51 million has been allocated towards environment and Disaster Management while Rs 60.816 million towards institutional development, service delivery and good governance. The municipality has put the health, education, agriculture, tourism, environmental cleanliness, sanitation and infrastructure development in priority in the coming budget. While releasing the budget, Deputy Mayor Dhakal said that a building of Katakatuw health institution would be developed as municipal hospital to provide quality health service inside municipal area as well as the hospital which is now in operation as a COVID hospital would be operated along with basic and medical service of the municipality.  Likewise, the budget also mentioned about operating school nursing service at more schools in order to make nursing and social security programme more effective. Saying the municipality has given priority to women health and employment, Dhakal said priority has been given to different programmes including ‘Sanitary to daughters, Skill and employment to mothers’, establishment of ‘School Education Ensure Scholarship Fund’ as well as income-generation programme to poor parents with collaboration of ward office and school. Similarly, the Policies and Programmes states that the local governments will take the guardianship of the helpless children and orphans as well as guarantee their education up to the secondary level.  Similarly, the programme, 'I will Make My School', would be implemented for the overall development of the school and for improvement of the teaching by teachers and learning by students through the 'My One Day' at school.  It is also stated in the budget statement that programmes as 'Commercialization of Agriculture: Entrepreneurship among Youth', 'Let Us not Keep the Land Barren: Let's Encourage Those Who Want to Till Land', 'One Cooperative, One Production', 'One Village, One Product', 'My School, My Responsibility', 'Environment Protection, Urban Beautification', etc would be implemented.  Proposal to Declare Sub-metropolis  There are 79 local bodies including 54 Rural Municipalities and 25 Municipalities in Karnali province. While the rest of the six provinces in the country have sub-metropolis, Karnali is the only province without any sub-metropolis. The provincial capital Birendranagar is also limited to a municipality status. In this context, a process has been forwarded through the budget statement to declare the Birendranagar Municipality as a Sub Metropolitan City from the next fiscal year. The Ninth Municipal Assembly of the municipality has brought a proposal to request the province government and the federal government to get Birendranagar Municipality declared into a Sub Metropolitan City.