Drinking kombucha might reduce blood sugar

People with type II diabetes who drank the fermented tea drink kombucha for four weeks had lower fasting blood glucose levels.

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Study Illuminates Early Pancreas Cell Behavior

Different cells in our pancreas play crucial roles in regulating our blood sugar. Neurogenin 3 (NEUROG3) is the name of a gene found in pancreatic cells.

Semaglutide improves blood sugar control, weight loss

Diabetes is a chronic condition that makes it difficult to regulate blood sugar levels. For many people, the condition worsens with time

Semaglutide improves blood sugar control, weight loss

Diabetes is a chronic condition that makes it difficult to regulate blood sugar levels. For many people, the condition worsens with time

Afternoon exercise linked with greater improvements in blood sugar levels

Researchers from the Brigham and Joslin Diabetes Centre discovered that participants who were physically active in the afternoon had lower blood sugar levels than those who were most active at other times of day.

Green tea extract improves gut health

Ingesting green tea extract for four weeks can lower blood sugar levels and improve gut health by lowering inflammation and "leaky gut"

Stabilising blood sugar in infancy prevents brain damage

A study has found that the treatment of low blood sugar in infancy can ward off long-term brain damage in infants.

Crucial link between hypertension and diabetes discovered

One of the long-standing medical mysteries is the diagnosis of diabetes (high blood sugar) in majority of patients suffering from high blood pressure (hypertension).

Crucial link between hypertension and diabetes discovered

One of the long-standing medical mysteries is the diagnosis of diabetes (high blood sugar) in majority of patients suffering from high blood pressure (hypertension).

Exercise at high-altitude increases low blood sugar risk

People with diabetes may need to monitor their blood sugar more closely when doing high-altitude activities such as hiking or skiing, according to a recent study.

Ideal sugar level to prevent strokes, heart attacks

A new study has found that for people with diabetes who have a stroke, there may be an ideal target blood sugar range to lower the risk of different types of vascular diseases like a stroke or heart attack later on.