Nepali youth speak out to stop violence against women and girls

Wall of Hope Campaign in partnership with Human Rights Film Focus Nepal and Palincha Nepal organized a campaign Youth Speak Out, launched on December 10, 2020 and is going to conclude on March 8 on the occasion of International Women’s Day.

सम्बन्धित सामग्री

'VAW should end': Minister Acharya

Surendra Raj Acharya has called for ending all sorts of discrimination and violence against women (VAW).

'VAW should end': Minister Acharya

Surendra Raj Acharya has called for ending all sorts of discrimination and violence against women (VAW).

MPs demand end to violence against women

Members of the National Assembly have called on the government to take stern action against those involved in violence, murder and rape of women across the country.

MPs demand end to violence against women

Members of the National Assembly have called on the government to take stern action against those involved in violence, murder and rape of women across the country.