PHOTOS: Women in labor market

International Women’s Day KATHMANDU, March 8: Nepal is observing the 112th International Women's Day on Tuesday. Despite provisions and Women Rights enshrined in the Constitution of Nepal itself, a lot is yet to be done to protect Women’s Rights and maintain gender equality. Only few women are engaged in decision making positions in the society. Most are forced to be household workers despite their skills and education. Here are some pictures that depict the presence of Nepali women in the labor market:  

सम्बन्धित सामग्री

Women celebrate Teej Festival in Punjab, India

Women in traditional Punjabi attire celebrate the Teej Festival in Amritsar district.

Women celebrate Teej Festival in Punjab, India

Women in traditional Punjabi attire celebrate the Teej Festival in Amritsar district.

Victory in Women Cricket

Nepalese National Women Cricket team captain Rubina Chhetry led her team Barmy Army to victory

Victory in Women Cricket

Nepalese National Women Cricket team captain Rubina Chhetry led her team Barmy Army to victory

Women leaders contesting polls against men in Dang

Women politicians are contesting the House of Representatives (HoR) and provincial assembly elections.

6th Int'l Women Entrepreneurs Trade Fair

Federation of Women Entrepreneurs organized the 6th International Women Entrepreneurs Trade Fair 2079.

'Powerful Women of the Year 2022' awards given to 35 achievers

Women achievers from various fields were presented with the 'Powerful Women of the Year 2022' award on the eve of International Women's Day at Raj Bhavan, Mumbai.