DENVER, (USA), March 14 — Nepal’s tourism was prominently featured at the Travel and Adventure Show held in Denver, United States.
The event took place at the Colorado Convention Center on March 8th and 9th, 2025, with participation from Nepal Tourism Board (NTB), led by Acting Director Laxman Gautam and Senior Officer Khemraj Timalsena, along with several Nepali companies.
Companies such as Namaste Tourism & Holidays Pvt. Ltd., Alpine Club of Himalaya, Satori Adventure Pvt. Ltd., Ojha Holidays Tours & Treks Pvt. Ltd., 3 Sisters Adventure Trekking Pvt. Ltd., Samrat Tours & Travels Pvt. Ltd., Expedition Himalaya, Well...
काठमाडौं- शुक्रबारदेखि काठमाडौंमा हिमवत्खण्ड कला–साहित्य–संस्कृति सम्मिलन सुरू भएको छ। हिमवत्खण्डमा छरिएर रहेका नेपाली भावनालाई समेट्ने प्रयासस्वरूप मदन भण्डारी कला–साहित्य प्रतिष्ठानले सम्मिलन आयोजना गरेको हो । सम्मिलन सुरू हुनुअघि विभिन्न जातजाति र समुदायको संस्कृति झल्किने गरी झाँकी र र्याली आयोजना गरिएको छ। उक्त र्यालीमा विभिन्न मौलिक पोशाकमा सजिएर सहभागीहरू आएका थिए । यो कार्य्रकममा प्राज्ञ डा. […]
KATHMANDU: The Socialist Front is to hold discussions with the intelligentsia and the civil society about the latest political scenario on Saturday. The 12th central working committee meeting of the Front held at the central office of CPN (Unified Socialist) at Aloknagar today took the decision to this effect. The Socialist Front is scheduled to […] | काठमाडौँ । चालु आर्थिक वर्ष २०८१/८२ को दोस्रो चौमासिकसम्म सरकारको आम्दानीभन्दा खर्च बढी देखिएको छ । महालेखा नियन्त्रक कार्यालयको तथ्याङ्कअनुसार गत फागुन -