Peru's president shakes up cabinet

Peru's President Dina Boluarte unveiled changes to six cabinet posts.

सम्बन्धित सामग्री

Nagarik Unmukti Party to send Chairperson Shrestha to the cabinet

KATHMANDU, March 31 : Nagarik Unmukti Party (NUP) has decided to send the party president Ranjita Shrestha Chaudhary to the cabinet.

Peru’s president asks cabinet to take anti-corruption pledge

Peru’s newest president, Dina Boluarte, swore in her Cabinet on Saturday just three days after becoming the country’s first female head of state and asked each minister to pledge not to be corrupt while in office.

10 Unified Socialist lawmakers oppose cabinet reshuffle proposal

KATHMANDU: Ten lawmakers of Madhav Kumar Nepal-led CPN-Unified Socialist Party have opposed the party’s proposal for cabinet reshuffle. Handing over an eight-point letter to party president Nepal, the Unified Socialist lawmakers, including some Ministers, said that it is unnatural, unusual and beyond one’s expectations to get the proposal for the cabinet reshuffle while the budget […]

Sri Lanka cabinet moves to clip President Rajapaksa’s powers

The Sri Lankan cabinet has approved constitutional reforms that will limit the powers of the president in a move aimed at appeasing the protesters calling for President Gotabaya Rajapaksa to quit over the country’s worst economic crisis in decades

Sri Lanka: Rajapaksa swears in 4 Cabinet members

Sri Lanka’s president swore in four new Cabinet ministers Saturday in an effort to ensure stability until a full cabinet is formed in the island nation

Sri Lankan president to appoint new PM, cabinet this week

Sri Lankan President Gotabaya Rajapaksa has said he will appoint a new prime minister and cabinet this week, after his elder brother and former PM Mahinda Rajapaksa resigned following deadly violence in the country

First round of presidential elections in Italy ends with no result

ROME, Jan. 25:  The first ballot to elect Italy's next president ended with inconclusive results on Monday, after a procedure that lasted over five hours. Casting their votes were some 1,008 "grand electors," namely all the members of the parliament plus 58 representatives chosen by regional councils. With a large majority of blank ballots among all those registered at the end of the day, no majority was found on any name. The outcome of this first round was largely expected since no official candidate was backed by both alliances -- center-left and center-right -- holding the most parliamentary seats and currently governing the country together in the coalition cabinet. According to the Italian constitution, a majority of two-thirds in the first three rounds of voting is required to elect a president, followed by a simple majority, or at least 505 votes, from the fourth on. The parliament in the joint session of both houses will keep gathering this week to hold new rounds of voting until a candidate gathers enough support. The seven-year term of President Sergio Mattarella will expire on Feb. 3. The president in Italy is a traditional ceremonial figure that plays a balancing role within the institutional landscape. However, the role becomes crucial in cases of broad political instability, since the president is tasked with helping solve major deadlocks between the government and the parliament.

Venezuelan president announces cabinet changes

CARACAS, August 20: Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro announced several changes in his cabinet on Thursday, including the appointment of Mervin Maldonado as the new vice president for social and territorial socialism.      The announcement follows the selection of several cabinet ministers as candidates of the ruling United Socialist Party of Venezuela for regional and municipal elections scheduled for Nov. 21, Maduro tweeted.      The president appointed Chief Admiral Remigio Ceballos Ichaso as new minister of internal relations, justice and peace, and Felix Plasencia as new foreign minister in place of Jorge Arreaza, who was appointed minister of industries and national production.      Governor of Monagas Yelitze Santaella was appointed new minister of education. In addition, Admiral William Serantes Pinto will serve as minister of ecological mining development while Margaud Godoy will replace Carolys Perez as minister of women and gender equality.

Deuba forwards names of 8 new ministers to president

KATHMANDU, Oct 13: As a part of his plan to reshuffle the cabinet and relieve the ministers representing CPN (Maoist Center) of their portfolios, Prime Minister Sher Bahadur Deuba is all set to expand his cabinet Saturday. Deuba is preparing to induct eight leaders from the Rastriya Prajatantra Party into the cabinet Saturday.