Press Council urges media to stay away from disinformation on candidates

KATHMANDU: The Press Council Nepal has urged all media and journalists to stay away from disinformation, blames, misleading information and character assassination of political parties and election candidates. “Media can get fake news, disinformation and hate speech against political parties and poll candidates. They should always be aware and cautious not to give space for […]

सम्बन्धित सामग्री

Misinformation, disinformation and malinformation: Credible information at stake

Our information ecosystem is drowning in misinformation, disinformation, and malinformation. These terms, though distinct, all paint a picture of inaccurate and harmful content circulating online, particularly through social media platforms.

PCN appeals to all to refrain from spreading disinformation

KATHMANDU: The Press Council Nepal (PCN) has urged all media and social media users to not spread disinformation in a way that affects investigation. Issuing a press release, the media content regulatory body said misleading information and disinformation were being spread on YouTube and Facebook in the unfolding incidents in Nepal. Council’s attention is drawn […]

Press Council's appeal to not to spread disinformation affecting investigation

The Press Council Nepal has urged all media and social media users to not spread disinformation in a way that affects investigation.

No policy to counter disinformation

Observers call for media literacy from an early age to enable people to understand and tackle misinformation and disinformation.

No policy to counter disinformation

Observers call for media literacy from an early age to enable people to understand and tackle misinformation and disinformation.

Election Commission urges media to abstain from disinformation

CHITWAN: The Election Commission (EC) has urged the journalists and media to disseminate fact-based news and avoid fake news and disinformation. At a province level orientation program the Election Commission organized with the collaboration of the Rastriya Samachar Samiti (RSS) on Wednesday, EC Secretary Gokarna Mani Duwadi said journalists and media have important role in […]

EC urges media to abstain from disinformation

The journalists and media have been urged to disseminate fact-based news and avoid fake news and disinformation

Press Council urges media to stay away from disinformation on candidates

Press Council Nepal has urged all media and journalists to stay away from disinformation, blames, misleading information and character assassination.

For Russian diplomats, disinformation is part of the job

As governments and social media companies have moved to suppress Russia’s state media and the disinformation it spreads about the war in Ukraine, the Kremlin’s diplomats are stepping up to do the dirty work.

How does America intensify disinformation war?

As U.S. reporters Amy Goodman and David Goodman pointed out in 2004, this was the "classic disinformation two-step," in which the White House first leaks a lie to a U.S. media outlet, and the latter publishes it as a startling exposure; then, the White House conveniently masquerades behind the credibility of the media.