Winter harvest likely to be hit as fertiliser shortage harasses farmers

As farmers rush to plant their winter crops, several districts are reporting they are short of plant nutrients, particularly urea.

सम्बन्धित सामग्री

Inadequate rain, fertiliser shortage hit paddy plantation

Farmers are now busy planting paddy across the country despite facing a shortage of chemical fertilisers and rainfall. Paddy plantation has been completed in more than a half of the total paddy cultivation area – 54.13 per cent – by July 12. Plantation was delayed in some areas for a lack of fertiliser and poor monsoon rains. According to the Department of Agriculture, under the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development, paddy plantation has been completed in around 814,350 hectares of paddy field. Farmers in Nepal grow paddy in 1.504 million hectares of land.

Rains come to relief, but fertiliser shortage adds woes to farmers

Fertiliser shortage in Nepal is causing a lot of problems for farmers all across Nepal. The post Rains come to relief, but fertiliser shortage adds woes to farmers appeared first on OnlineKhabar English News.

Perennial problem of fertilizer shortage hits Dhanusha

DHANUSHA: The perennial problem of fertiliser shortage facing farmers across the country has hit Dhanusha district. Sovit Pandit of Aaurahi Rural Municipality-3 frequented a fertiliser dealer nearby, but had to return empty handed without fertiliser. “Preparing seedbeds begins. But fertiliser shortage hits. I got fertiliser during winter wheat. But now, I am tired by frequenting […]

Perennial problem of fertiliser shortage hits Dhanusha

The perennial problem of fertiliser shortage facing farmers across the country has hit the Dhanusha district

Farmers complain of fertiliser shortage

Farmers in Sarlahi are struggling to procure chemical fertilisers for the cultivation of winter crops.

Farmers likely to face fertiliser shortage for winter crops

Farmers may face fertiliser shortage even in winter crops due to the inability of the authorities to manage needed fertilisers in a timely manner. The season for planting winter crops, including mustard, wheat and potatoes has started across the country, but there is no management for the adequate availability of chemical fertilisers required for winter crops till date, said the officials.

Farmers face fertiliser shortage again

There is an acute shortage of chemical fertilisers in the country as both public enterprises -- Agriculture Inputs Company Limited and Salt Trading Corporation (STC) -- have run out of stock. The stock of fertilisers in these public enterprises altogether amounts to less than 8,000 tonnes at present, the officials said.

Fertiliser crunch hits Bara farmers hard

Local farmers are facing the brunt of chemical fertiliser shortage in Jitpursimara sub-metropolis in Bara.

Paddy transplantation begins amid fertiliser shortage fears

Officials at Agriculture Inputs Company said that sales resumed last week but stocks would not last long at any depot or cooperative due to panic buying.